Liezel Pistorius

Liezel Pistorius

Director, KPMG LLP
and Vice President, KPMG Forensic Inc.

Liezel is a seasoned professional with 16+ years of experience, working on behalf of, or in conjunction with Federal, Provincial, or Municipal government departments or agencies (including Crown Corporations), other public corporations, many private enterprises, in-house or external legal counsel, insurance companies, and enforcement agencies/authorities to uncover evidence relevant to reported allegations or crimes. Most recently, she is responsible for supporting clients across Western Canada as a forensic technology expert and computer forensic investigator solving investigative mandates by identifying facts through digital evidence, electronically stored information, and data that can be collected and produced for use in a court of law.

Liezel's career started with KPMG in South Africa, and she has worked with global clients, with operations in North America (Canada and US), Africa, Australia, Mexico, Chile, Germany, and the Caribbean Islands.

Liezel's most recent experience includes providing both proactive and reactive risk advisory services focused on ethics and governance, fraud risk management controls and programs, anti-bribery and anti-corruption policies and program assessments, and investigations relating to fraud against individuals, and internal or external organizational fraud and white-collar crime including: employee misconduct, conflicts of interest allegations, contractual irregularities, procurement wrongdoings, billing schemes, allegations of theft, abuse or wrongdoing, theft of intellectual property, cyber-related incidents, cryptocurrency asset tracing, Anton Pillar Order (APO) execution, digital or computer forensics, electronic discovery (eDiscovery), and other forensic advisory services. Liezel's experience also includes the delivery of small, medium, and large-scale projects involving evidence identification, preservation, collection, recovery, and reconstruction of evidence fragments, in-depth analysis of artifacts and data drawing objective conclusions to support each mandate.

Invited as a speaker at several events across Canada, Liezel delivered presentations about fraud and misconduct including most recently Corruption, Integrity and Ethics; Fraud Risks and Awareness Considerations; Uncovering Truths: Forensic Accounting Strategies and Best Practices; Fraud Awareness in Not-for-Profits; Cryptocurrency and Litigation; Professional Ethics & Fraud; How to Spot Unusual Patterns & Prevent Recurring Digital Fraud Trends; The Digital Fraud Journey; Ongoing Challenges and the Link between Cyber and Forensic, among others.

Session: Trends to watch for in the white-collar crime landscape

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