
Updated: December 11, 2024

Article by Morgan Hamel:

Recently, I ran into an old family friend – a lawyer who works at a large Canadian company like the one where I worked in the corporate ethics office for 11 years.

He asked me what I am up to professionally these days. I told him that I’m speaking and teaching – mostly to professionals, including CPAs. “Ethics?” He asked. “Sort of,” I answered. “Interesting,” he said, picking up on my uncertainty. “It seems to me in some ways that ‘ethics’ as a topic has fallen out of fashion.” 

He went on to describe how when he first started law, anti-corruption was all people cared about. Then – for a brief moment – ethics overall was cool. Shortly after, CSR (corporate social responsibility) had its moment in the sun.

We then talked about how things have really shifted now, to a focus on ESG (environmental, social, governance), and we began a conversation about polarization. About ESG and anti-ESG. And how challenging the whole topic is to navigate. The conversation – especially his comment about ethics being out of fashion – stuck with me. Perhaps that’s because both ethics and fashion have been a considerable part of my career. 

After leaving the corporate ethics office, I went on to found an ESG-centric fashion marketing firm, called The Garment, the mission of which was to change the face of fashion by connecting women and responsible brands.

Read more if you're curious...

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