CPA mentors provide guidance on the competency development of Candidate, and models and facilitates the development of the profession’s values, ethics, and attitudes.
CPA mentors must meet at least twice each year with Candidates (in-person, via phone, Skype, etc.) to discuss competency development as recorded in the CPA experience reporting tool and to identify strategies for further development.
While CPA mentors may also discuss competency development with the supervisor of the Candidate, they are expected to maintain confidentiality about their progress.
CPA mentors are required to document any unresolved competency development concerns within the CPA experience reporting tool, but are not responsible if the Candidate does not develop competencies as expected.
CPA Mentors are not expected to:
- Verify the accuracy of candidate self-assessments or competency development
- Help candidates progress in pre-requisite education, CPA Professional Education Program, or CPA evaluations
- Find jobs for CPA Candidates