
CPA Insurance Plans West Logo 

CPA Insurance Plans West (CPAIPW)

CPAIPW provides insurance and other benefit programs to CPA firms, individuals and their spouses and students in Western Canada. It offers a full line of exclusive insurance products including term life up to $2 million, long-term disability up to $10,000/month, and critical illness coverage for heart disease, cancer, multiple sclerosis and other serious diseases.

Just for CPAs:

  • Highly competitive rates
  • Coverage independent of employment
  • Benefit from group purchasing power
  • Term life can be used as cost-effective mortgage insurance
  • LTD policy holders have access to counseling services
  • Plans for employees of CPA firms including extended health and dental benefits
  • International coverage
  • Customized home and tenant insurance (and Auto in Alberta)

Visit the CPAIPW website at for more information or to download an application form, or call 1.800.661.6430.

Provincial Affinity Benefits

ARTA Benefits Plan

CPA Alberta has made available to qualifying members the ARTA Benefits Plan from the Alberta Retired Teachers’ Association (ARTA). This program provides eligible members with several benefit options, including Extended Health Care, Emegency Tracel Insurance, Trip Cancellation and Dental Care Options.

Benefit Plan details and governing documents can be viewed online at:

If you have any questions about the Plan or your eligibility, please contact the ARTA Member Services team at 1.855.444.2782 (toll-free) or email

Any questions about the Plan or your eligibility to participate should be directed to the plan administrator, Alberta School Employee Benefit Plan (ASEBP). Please call 1.855.444.2782 (toll-free) or at 780.989.8709.

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