Lifetime Achievement Award

The Lifetime Achievement Award (LAA) formally recognizes Fellows of the Chartered Professional Accountants who have continued to render exceptional services to the profession or whose achievements in their careers or in the community have earned them distinction and brought honour to the profession.

The Lifetime Achievement Award is not open to nomination from the membership.

2024 Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient

Jim Downie FCPA, FCMA

Jim DownieJim Downie FCPA, FCMA

Throughout his career, Jim displayed the expertise and integrity that raises the reputation of CPAs. His professional skills took him across the globe with Imperial Oil, including to Houston, Texas, where he served as US Production Controller, and to Africa. There, as the Controller of ExxonMobil affiliate Esso Angola, Jim was responsible for overseeing financial activities for the company’s offshore oil and gas operations, as well as the development of the local Controller’s team. Jim’s career culminated in serving as the Chief Audit Executive at Imperial Oil prior to his retirement.

It is a testament to Jim’s character that, during his time in Angola, he committed to learning Portuguese—the main language in the country—in order to better connect with local team members. He also became an active volunteer in the country, joining his team members going onto the streets and markets of Luanda, the capital city of Angola, to participate in projects such as raising awareness of HIV, cleaning up the beaches, and volunteering at orphanages by setting up bunk beds and mosquito nets.

A proud professional accountant, Jim has always been a strong champion of and ambassador for the profession. He served as a member of the board of the legacy CMA body, including serving as Chair and representing Alberta at the national level, and was actively involved in two provinces (Alberta and Nova Scotia, during his time working in Halifax). During his time on the board, his leadership and knowledge was instrumental in advancing the governance model of the organization. He has also been a regular speaker at numerous professional events and conferences. To ensure deserving CPA colleagues were recognized by their peers, Jim served seven years on the CPA Alberta Achievement Awards Review Committee (from 2016 to 2022), including serving as Chair from 2018 to 2022. During his time as Chair, he ensured all committee members were heard and constructive dialogue was held around each nomination. His leadership helped modernize the committee’s and organization’s approach to the recognition process. Jim also served as co-chair of CPA Alberta’s Sector-Specific Energy Advisory Group, which provided the view of Alberta CPAs and gave practical advice on the energy sector competency needs, emerging topics, partnerships, and thought leader identification.

Perhaps Jim’s biggest impact in the profession came through his support of new professionals. He could also always be counted on to share his experiences with those interested in pursuing a CPA career, actively participating in the profession’s recruitment activities. This included helping to create a career fair on post-secondary campuses and creating opportunities for post-secondary students to be placed at Imperial Oil, acting as a judge in governance case competitions for students, and mentoring many young members of the profession during his career.

Throughout all of these endeavours, Jim has been a role model for others in the profession.

How did you feel or what was your reaction when you were first told you were this year's Lifetime Achievement Recipient?
When I received the call to tell me that I was named the recipient of the CPA Alberta Lifetime Achievement Award, I was both surprised and humbled. There are so many CPAs having significant impacts in their careers, the community and the profession. To have my contributions be considered within that group is truly an honour, on its own. One greatest satisfaction we can have is knowing that our actions have had a positive impact on others. With that in mind, I already feel that I have been richly rewarded for my efforts. Achievements are not accomplished alone, many others have helped me along the way and who I’m truly indebted to.

How do you think CPAs have and can impact the province?
CPAs are much more than accountants. Using their disciplined thought process and understanding of business, CPAs hold an important seat at the decision making table in all major business, public and the not for profit sectors. Their knowledge and skills will be essential as organizations adapt to the rapidly changing future.

What accomplishments have made you feel the most alive and why?
The accomplishments that have made me feel most alive or energized, have involved supporting the development of early career professionals. Whether it involves establishing formal programs for career development, mentoring or simply acting as a sounding board you can make a real difference. Seeing others succeed, overcoming barriers and reaching their career goals can be extremely rewarding. It’s also a nice way to pay forward all the support that I have received during my career.

What is one of the greatest things you've learned about leadership?
It is important to create an environment in the organization or team where everybody feels that they have an opportunity to be heard, contribute and be successful. To achieve this you need to invest the time to get to know each of your team members and maintain open two way communications.

What advice would you give to others looking to succeed?
Focus on what you can do for the role and not what the role will do for you. When I take on any opportunity or assignment, be it career, volunteer or service to the profession I want to first understand what impact I can have in the role. I don’t want to just fill the seat, but rather make a real difference. If I can’t do that, then I’m likely not the best fit.

What professional experience in your life do you feel most grateful for?
The opportunity to live and work in Africa for three years was life changing and was certainly one of the most interesting assignments of my career. I enjoyed working with a young organization, in a quickly growing industry that had significant impacts on the country’s economy. At the same time, we had the opportunity to live in a developing county where a large portion of the population faced many significant challenges including poverty and malaria. Through our volunteer opportunities in the community, we learned to appreciate how well everyone looked out for each other when in need, regardless of their own personal situation.

Thank you note.
Real successes that I have had in life have always involved significant contributions from others towards the achievement. This includes mentors, managers, team members, and colleagues. Most importantly it also involved the tremendous support that I received from my family especially my wife Bridget and children Andrew, Jessica and Nicholas.

Previous Lifetime Achievement Award Recipients

Colette Miller FCPA, FCA

2023 Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient.
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Colette MillerColette is a partner at Wilde & Company in Vegreville and co-founder of Wilde Advisory Group, a collective of professional service firms including accounting, legal, consulting and IT. She specializes in owner-managed business including taxation and estate and succession planning, municipal audit and consulting, and has a special interest in agricultural-related companies. Colette is known for her common-sense approach and ability to translate complex financial matters into understandable conversations.
She is also an active corporate and community director and has been deeply involved in the profession for many years. Her board experience includes the Canadian Business Growth Fund (Audit Committee Chair), AVAC Ltd. (HRC Chair, former Audit Committee Chair) and Covenant Health Audit and Finance Committee member. In 2019, she completed a ten-year directorship with ATB Financial with experience as chair of HRC and Audit. 
Colette’s support to the profession spans both CPA Alberta and CPA Canada, including serving on the Review and Nominations Committees, board of a CPA Canada predecessor body, and Chairing the national Competency Map Committee, among other roles.  Passionate about education, Colette was inducted into the Order of Athabasca for her past service on the Athabasca University Board.  As a University of Alberta Business alum, she serves on the Rural eHub advisory board.  Colette is also very involved with her community chairing the Elk Island Community Foundation and serving as a director of Wendy Brook Music Festival Association.

1. What was your initial reaction when you heard the news? How does it feel now that a few days have passed?

Damian had left me a message to call him back and I was trying to figure out what volunteer opportunity he had for me.  Once we chatted, my first thought was ‘wow’ and then ‘is this the end’?  After it sunk in, I am immensely grateful and know that I can contribute for many years yet as many of my older peers continue to do.  Humbling and a bit uncomfortable too.

2. What has driven your commitment to the profession and your community?

Community contribution is in my DNA  - Mom and Dad were always volunteering and we grew up thinking that was normal. My professional commitment partially stems from highly valuing education and the opportunities that our designation provides.  I feel strongly that if you want things to be better, you have to step up and be part of solutions.  I am driven by learning, fun and connecting with interesting people.

3. Is there anything or anybody that was instrumental in shaping your career and/or your outlook?

My Dad is an FCPA (Lifetime Achievement recipient) so I am probably hardwired for this profession.  My Mom was very creative, so that helped balance my brain.  And then there was Steve Glover!  He asked me to join an ICAA Education Committee after I was done the program.  Steve challenged me to think bigger and help out where I could and that led to joining ICAA Council.


Dr. Karim Jamal FCPA, FCA

2023 Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient.
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Dr Karim JamalKarim is the Chair of the Department of Accounting and Business Analytics and a Professor and Chartered Professional Accountants’ (CPA) Distinguished Chair in Accounting at the Alberta School of Business, University of Alberta.

Dedicated to the advancement of knowledge within the profession and within the education field, Karim has worked hard to ensure a connection between practitioners and academics and students. Eager to ensure relevant academic research was disseminated widely and could be put to practical use, Karim served as the Technical Editor for the Education section of CA Magazine. He also served or serves on the Editorial Board for a number of other publications, including Accounting, Economics and Law: A Convivium, Accounting Perspectives, Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, and many others. 

Karim has also volunteered in numerous other ways, including as a member of the Department Audit Committee of the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions and on the Advisory Board of University of Toronto (Missisauga) Professional Accounting Centre. As well, he has served as the Board Chair of Associates of Caritas (Part of Covenant Health) and a Public Member of Board of Directors of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Business Valuators. Karim was also a board member of the Canadian Centre for Social Entrepreneurship and of the Centre for Enhanced Corporate Reporting.

Karim was also integral to the University of Alberta establishing a Masters of Accounting program, the first in Alberta. He received Fellowship in 2009.


1. What was your initial reaction when you heard the news? How does it feel now that a few days have passed?

The news came as a complete surprise. I came back from class and the phone rang and I saw a number that I didn't recognize and wondered whether to answer the phone. The initial reaction was some combination of amazement and shock - it was really unexpected. Now after a few days, I feel a sense of gratitude and a feeling of quiet satisfaction and pride. It's a great honor to be recognized by one's peers, and especially by the Alberta CPA profession.


2. What has driven your commitment to advancing knowledge in the profession and the education of students?

When I was a masters student at UBC, I got my first exposure to accounting research. I found it fascinating and was absolutely turned on. I never knew accounting could be so exciting and interesting. Ever since, I have been like a missionary spreading the word of accounting and trying to advance knowledge and motivate students to understand accounting more thoughtfully, and to be enthused about becoming an accountant.


3. Is there anything or anybody that was instrumental in shaping your career and/or your outlook?

From a research perspective the two individuals that had the greatest impact on me are Professor Shyam Sunder (Yale University) and Paul E. Johnson (my Ph.D thesis supervisor at the University of Minnesota). For professional development Steve Glover (ICAA), Mike Gibbins (U of A), and Bob Young (KPMG) had the greatest impact on my development.

Janice Rennie FCPA, FCA

2022 Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient.
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Mike Shaikh FCPA, FCA

2022 Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient.
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2021 Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient.
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Marilyn Kuntz FCPA, FCA

2021 Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient.
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Daryl Ritchie FCPA, FCA

2020 Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient.
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Howard T. Shikaze FCPA, FCA

2020 Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient.
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Betty Thompson FCPA, FCGA

2020 Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient.
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Bob Young FCPA, FCA

2019 Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient.
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Brian Ferguson FCPA, FCA

2019 Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient.
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Harold Kingston FCPA, FCA

2018 Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient.
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Merwan Saher FCPA, FCA

2018 Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient.
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Brian Hesje FCPA, FCA

2017 Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient.
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Randy Garvey FCPA, FCMA

2017 Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient.
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Bruce Thurston FCPA, FCMA

Bruce ThurstonAt the time of receiving the Lifetime Achievement Award, Bruce Thurston was the CEO/President of Management Resource Services. He spent almost 20 years on the faculty of the University of Lethbridge, teaching both technical accounting and management courses to generations of accounting professionals. During that time, he also held roles outside of academia, including general manager of Green Prairie, an agricultural wholesale supplier; and CEO/president of Charlton & Hill, a multi-faceted entity in the construction industry.

Bruce contributed much time and energy to both the provincial and national CMA bodies, including serving two terms as chair of CMA Alberta (1990–1991 and 2009–2010) and as a CMA Canada board member. As well, he spent a number of years serving as a moderator in the CMA Strategic Leadership Program and on numerous ad hoc committees and task forces. His terms on the board of CMA Alberta coincided with some critical issues, including the introduction of the CMA professional program, the move to a post-secondary degree requirement for CMA students, and the unification of the three professional accounting bodies.

In addition to his professional service, Bruce has been an active community volunteer. Included among the many organizations Bruce has contributed his time and expertise to are the University of Lethbridge, Southern Alberta Art Gallery, Lethbridge Chamber of Commerce, and the Community and Social Development Committee of the City of Lethbridge City Council.

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