Practical Experience Reporting Templates
Why use these templates
These templates can be used to format your responses when submitting your experience for both technical and enabling competencies. While using these templates is not a requirement, you may find them helpful in keeping your response concise and providing the reviewer with relevant information, which may reduce the number of future revisions.
1. Review the Guiding Questions to determine which technical competency areas your job duties are suited to. This document will also provide supplemental information on the technical competencies. For additional information on the technical competencies, you may also consult our technical competency videos and deep dive webinars.
2. Use the templates below as a guide for how to format your responses. These templates can be copied and pasted into the PERT (Practical Experience Reporting Tool) text boxes. Note that these templates are a guideline for your responses. You may tailor the headings to better suit your response if required.
3. If you have any questions on the technical and enabling competencies or these templates, please contact your provincial body to connect with a CPA Reviewer at
Practical Experience Videos
Beginning in 2021, the Practical Experience Team began creating video resources. The videos were created for Experience Verification Route Candidates in mind, as they cover concepts that are generally covered by Pre-Approved Program Providers. If you are a Pre-Approved Program Candidate, you may also find value in these materials.
Technical Competencies
Beginning in 2022, the Practical Experience Team will be working on providing video resources and guidance around the Technical Competency areas as they relate to the Practical Experience Requirements.
View the available videos below. Stay tuned as new videos will be added throughout the year.