List of Registration Notices

The below Registration Notices were updated on: June 21, 2024.




Name Reason Date
AASE, Ann Marie Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
ABBEY, Frank Non-payment of fees September 8, 2017
ABBEY, William Robert Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
ABBOTT, Antony C Non-payment of penalty fee December 12, 2016
ABEYWARDENE, Kasudama Y. Non-payment of penalty fee December 7, 2016
ABLETT, Sean Christensen Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
ACHESON, Sharie Ruby Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
ADENIYI, Sunday Adelogo Non-payment of fees November 18, 2020
ADKINS, John W Failure to report CPD December 7, 2016
AGARWAL, Neeraj Non-payment of fees March 8, 2016
AGYAPONG, Prince Kofi Non-payment of fees September 17, 2018
AHMAD, Aqeel Non-payment of fees September 17, 2018
AHMED, Abdul Aziz Non-payment of fees October 12, 2022
AHMED, Kazi Shoaib Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
AIHOSHI, John F K Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
ALBRECHT, Harold S. Non-payment of fees February 23, 2022
ALI, Hameed Wazir Non-payment of fees February 23, 2022
ALIYEV, Elshad Non-payment of fees September 8, 2017
ALLEN, Joshua Lucas Non-payment of fees October 31, 2022
ALLEN, Robert K Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
ALLEN, Roderic Clair Non-payment of penalty fee June 19, 2024
ALTON, Norman William Failure to report CPD June 14, 2018
ALVAREZ, Carlos Non-payment of fees September 17, 2018
ALY, Kamal Elsayed Non-Compliance January 17, 2024
AMAN, Peter Terrence Non-payment of fees October 12, 2022
AMBEDIAN, Daniel David Non-payment of fees September 14, 2016
AMBROSIE, Linda M Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
AMICO, Gezilla Lourdes Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
ANCHETA, Ferdinand F. Non-payment of penalty fee October 14, 2021
ANDERSON, Dennis G Failure to report CPD July 24, 2020
ANDERSON, Robert John Failure to report CPD December 7, 2016
ANDERSON, Timothy Charles Non-payment of fees January 12, 2022
ANDERSON, William John Maclean Non-Compliance February 28, 2023
ANDRAIS, Larry J Combination March 7, 2016
ANDRESEN, Roger Non-payment of penalty fee July 2, 2019
ANDREWS, Brian Non-payment of penalty fee August 31, 2020
ANDREWS, Diane Elaine Non-payment of penalty fee August 22, 2018
ANDREWS, Michael Thomas Non-payment of fees November 18, 2020
ANTONY, David Michael Non-payment of fees September 8, 2017
ANTONY, Raymond Peter Non-payment of fees September 8, 2017
APPLEBY, Nancy Non-payment of fees October 12, 2022
ARCHIBALD, Dexter Owen Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
ARNASON, Roy Allan Failure to report CPD June 17, 2019
ASHTON, Barry John Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
ASSAF, Magdalena A. Non-payment of penalty fee August 22, 2018
ATCHISON, Murray Failure to report CPD July 24, 2020
ATKINS, Brook Lynne Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
AU, Agnes C Y Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
AUSTIN, Richard F Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
AXELSON, Gary W Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
AYLETT, Peter Andrew Non-payment of fees September 12, 2019
AYO, Abimbola O Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
BAAS, Barbara D Non-Compliance February 15, 2019
BACON, Timothy Denis Non-payment of fees January 12, 2016
BADIUK, Geraldine C Failure to report CPD December 7, 2016
BAHRAMI, Farhad Non-Compliance February 20, 2019
BAI, Yang Failure to report CPD June 19, 2024
BAILEY, Mervin L Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
BAIRD, Jeff H Non-payment of fees September 12, 2019
BAKER, James Donald Non-payment of penalty fee December 12, 2016
BALDWIN, Robert John Failure to report CPD July 26, 2022
BALLAK, Richard L Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
BANDALI, Feroz M Non-payment of penalty fee August 22, 2018
BARANISKI, Kali Anne Marie Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
BARKER, Donald Tracy Non-payment of penalty fee December 7, 2016
BARKER, Helen Jane Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
BARNETT, Russell J Non-payment of fees November 18, 2020
BARR, Gordon Randal Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
BARRIE, John A Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
BARRITT, Gordon C Conduct and Discipline May 29, 2017
BARTER, Mary S Non-Compliance July 26, 2017
BASS, Alan Non-Compliance March 4, 2024
BASS, Miranda Christine Non-payment of fees November 18, 2020
BATTEN, Richard Douglas Non-payment of penalty fee August 28, 2017
BATTRICK, J. Corey Failure to report CPD June 14, 2018
BAWOL, Brandon Allan Non-payment of fees October 31, 2022
BEAN, Douglas Non-Compliance August 16, 2018
BEAULIEU, Alan J Non-payment of fees September 12, 2019
BECK, George Robert Failure to report CPD June 19, 2024
BEDE, Robert Steidel Failure to report CPD September 28, 2023
BEGGS, Robert Non-payment of fees November 18, 2020
BEHAN, Yvonne V Failure to report CPD July 24, 2020
BEISEL, Jerry Elwin Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
BELL, Ernest L Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
BELT, Ronald Frederick Non-payment of fees October 12, 2022
BENNETT, Ann M Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
BENNETT, Bryan Wayne Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
BENNING, Bernard Anthony Non-payment of penalty fee August 28, 2017
BERG, Lana Lee Non-payment of fees February 15, 2019
BERGEVIN, Dennis G Non-payment of fees January 12, 2016
BERGEVIN, Lionel Denis Combination August 23, 2018
BERGGREN, Susan Marie Non-payment of fees September 12, 2019
BERRY, Eric Archibald Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
BESCHIERU, Vadim Non-payment of fees January 12, 2022
BEST, Ashley Helen Non-payment of fees March 27, 2023
BETHUNE, Dean Elmer Non-payment of fees October 12, 2022
BETKER, Ronald Non-payment of penalty fee December 7, 2016
BIELENY, Patrick Stephen Conduct and Discipline February 25, 2021
BINETTE, Diane S Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
BLACK, Leonard A Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
BLACK, Wayne Thomas Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
BLAIS, Gilbert R Failure to report CPD June 19, 2024
BLAKE, Sonia Dawn Failure to report CPD June 19, 2024
BLAKE-LEAVITT, Daphne J. Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
BLUNDELL, Susan Leanne Non-payment of fees November 18, 2020
BOHNE, Lisa Anne Non-payment of fees September 8, 2017
BOLAND, Brendon Darcy Non-payment of fees September 17, 2018
BONNEVILLE, David Henry Conduct and Discipline April 13, 2016
BOOTH, Frank R Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
BORMAN, Diane Marie Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
BOSCH, Fred E Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
BOSGRA, Charles E Failure to report CPD July 24, 2020
BOTT, Stanley William Failure to report CPD June 4, 2019
BOUCHARD, Ruby J Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
BOURQUE, Linda Jean Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
BOUTET, Alain Non-payment of fees November 18, 2020
BOWERS, Alan John Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
BOYCHUK, Eugene Henry Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
BRACKEN, Susanne Fung Sin Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
BRADFORD, Robert G Conduct and Discipline August 22, 2016
BRADLEY, Christopher Anthony Failure to report CPD September 7, 2022
Brar, Gurpal Failure to report CPD July 26, 2022
BRATTON, Natalie Joy Non-payment of fees September 8, 2017
BRAY, Marty Gordon Failure to report CPD July 26, 2022
BREGAZZI, Simon Alexander Non-payment of fees March 8, 2016
BRODIE, Gordon Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
BROUSE, Michael E Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
BROWN, Clifford Michael Failure to report CPD June 14, 2018
BROWN, Daniel F. Failure to report CPD September 7, 2022
BROWN, Lyle I Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
BROWN, Merl E Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
BROWN, Robert Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
BROWN, Russell Paterson Non-payment of penalty fee August 31, 2020
BROWNLEE, Richard Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
BRYSON, John R Non-payment of penalty fee August 28, 2017
BUCKLAND, Brenda L. Non-payment of fees January 12, 2022
BUDD, Bruce Teague Failure to report CPD June 14, 2018
BULGER, Virginia Failure to report CPD June 4, 2019
BUNCH, Michael P Non-payment of fees January 12, 2022
BUNGER, Victor J Non-payment of penalty fee August 28, 2017
BURANT, Keith David Non-payment of fees January 12, 2016
BURGOYNE, Norman Non-payment of penalty fee August 22, 2018
BURKE, Norman Daniel Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
BURRIDGE, Graham Martyn Failure to report CPD July 26, 2022
BURT, David Les Failure to report CPD July 26, 2022
BURTT, Marlie Ruth Marie Non-payment of penalty fee June 19, 2024
BUTZ, Eric Paul Conduct and Discipline June 19, 2019
CAGEORGE, John Douglas Non-Compliance August 16, 2018
CAIS, Patrick Non-payment of fees September 8, 2017
CAISSE, Clifford Georges Non-payment of penalty fee August 24, 2022
CAL-AGAN, Leodegario Marrero Failure to report CPD July 24, 2020
CALLAHAN, Carrie Lynn Non-payment of fees October 12, 2022
CALLIHOO, Rosalind Rose Failure to report CPD July 26, 2022
CALLIOU, Michelle Ann Non-payment of fees September 14, 2016
CAMPBELL, Alan Kurt Non-payment of fees January 12, 2016
CAMPBELL, Jarrett John Non-payment of fees December 9, 2020
CAMPBELL, Robert Gordon Failure to report CPD June 19, 2024
CAMPEAU, Kenneth William Non-payment of penalty fee August 31, 2020
CANDA, Randy Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
CANERS, Sean D.D. Failure to report CPD June 4, 2019
CARD, Sherry Failure to report CPD June 4, 2019
CARPENTER, Sylvia Non-payment of fees November 18, 2020
CARR, Merle Virginia Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
CARRY, William John Non-payment of fees October 3, 2023
CASAT, Joseph R Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
CASEY, Kevin James Non-payment of fees December 9, 2020
CASEY, Thomas Allan Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
CATIBOG, Brian Lloyd Conduct and Discipline January 11, 2024
CHA, Alexander Y. Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
CHAN, Amy Failure to report CPD July 24, 2020
CHAN, Frederick King-Wan Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
CHAN, Hing Non-payment of penalty fee October 14, 2021
CHANG, Adrian L Non-payment of penalty fee August 8, 2023
CHARRON, John Paul Failure to report CPD July 26, 2022
CHECK, Daniel John Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
CHEN, Bao Jun Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
CHEN, David Non-payment of penalty fee August 31, 2020
CHEN, Guo Hua Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
CHEN, Nancy Non-payment of fees January 12, 2022
CHEN-HU, Elizabeth J J Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
CHENG, James Y Non-Compliance December 9, 2020
CHENG, Philip W Non-payment of fees September 14, 2016
CHEUNG, Cindy Non-payment of fees September 12, 2019
CHEUNG, Horatio K Failure to report CPD June 19, 2024
CHEUNG, Vanessa Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
CHEW, Evonne S Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
CHHINA, Rajbir S Failure to report CPD June 4, 2019
CHILDS, Nancy M. Failure to report CPD June 14, 2018
CHIPIUK, Metro T. Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
CHITTICK, Robert Christopher Non-payment of fees September 25, 2023
CHIVERS, Douglas Frank Non-payment of penalty fee October 14, 2021
CHLEBEK, Alissa Heather Non-payment of fees November 18, 2020
CHONG, Chi-Fui Non-payment of fees March 8, 2016
CHORNEY, Grant David Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
CHOW, Betty Ann Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
CHOW, Peter Man S Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
CHOW-PLOEGSMA, Kwee Ngoh Failure to report CPD June 14, 2018
CHOWDHURY, Ahmed Haleem Failure to report CPD July 26, 2022
CHRISTENSEN, Kenneth Harry Failure to report CPD July 24, 2020
CHRISTIE-BROOKS, Cindy Lynn Non-payment of fees October 12, 2022
CHRISTMAN, Ernest G Non-payment of penalty fee July 2, 2019
CHRUSCH, Maureen Donna Non-payment of fees September 14, 2016
CHUNG, Lawrence Chuen Non-payment of fees September 12, 2019
CHURCH, Stephanie Alexandra Non-payment of fees September 8, 2017
CLARK, Daniel Francis Conduct and Discipline November 12, 2015
CLARKE, Brent Non-payment of fees September 12, 2019
CLARKE, Roberta June Non-payment of penalty fee August 31, 2020
CLARKSON, Charlotte Conduct and Discipline October 4, 2023
CLAYTON, Matthew Non-payment of fees September 12, 2019
CLEEVES, Alvin Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
CLEWS, Graham Rex Non-payment of penalty fee August 8, 2023
CLINTON, Helen Theresa Non-payment of penalty fee August 31, 2020
CLOWES, Kenneth Wayne Failure to report CPD June 14, 2018
COCHRANE, London D Non-payment of fees September 12, 2019
CODERRE, Anita D Failure to report CPD June 4, 2019
COGHLAN, Neil Maurice Non-payment of fees October 9, 2019
COHEN, Malcolm Moses Non-payment of penalty fee August 31, 2020
COLE, Stephen Non-payment of fees September 14, 2016
COLLINS, Janna Pauline Non-payment of fees October 7, 2016
COLLINS, Terri Danielle Non-payment of penalty fee October 14, 2021
COLOVOS, Alexandra D. Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
COMBER, Walter Peter Frederic Failure to report CPD September 28, 2020
COMRIE, Brian Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
CONNON, Sally Ann Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
CONSTANCE, Alana Suzanne Non-payment of penalty fee August 30, 2022
COOK, Devan Edward Non-Compliance March 13, 2024
COOK, James D Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
COOKEY, Vivian E Non-payment of fees September 17, 2018
COOZE, Megan Non-Compliance April 27, 2022
COPELAND, Constantine John (Dennis) Failure to report CPD June 4, 2019
CORONA, Teresa P.W. Non-payment of fees January 12, 2016
CORTINES, Miguel Angel Non-payment of fees January 12, 2016
COWARD, Laura Lee Non-payment of fees January 12, 2016
COWEN, Stuart Conduct and Discipline February 10, 2017
COX, Peter C Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
CRAMM, Jessica Karin Failure to report CPD June 4, 2019
CRANE, Robert Denton Failure to report CPD July 24, 2020
CRUIKSHANK, William Herbert Failure to report CPD July 24, 2020
CULLEN, Dallas Patrick Non-payment of fees November 18, 2020
CULP, Wayne F Non-payment of penalty fee July 2, 2019
CUNNINGHAM, David George Failure to report CPD July 24, 2020
CURLE, B Linda Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
CUSH, Michael John Failure to report CPD June 4, 2019
CUZNETOVA, Mariana Failure to report CPD June 19, 2024
Da Graca, Lucia Lima Non-payment of fees June 4, 2016
DAEMEN, Dominic Peter Non-Compliance April 27, 2022
DANIELS, James Richard Non-payment of fees September 25, 2023
DANIS, Lynne Marie Non-payment of fees October 12, 2022
DANTZER, Vince Mark Non-payment of penalty fee October 14, 2021
DAUNT, John Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
DAUPHINEE, Ian Donald Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
DAURIE, David L Conduct and Discipline February 10, 2017
DAVIES, John Charles Failure to report CPD July 24, 2020
DAVIES, Leigh Ann Non-payment of fees January 12, 2022
DAWIDOWSKI, William Non-payment of penalty fee July 2, 2019
DAWYD, Michael Stephan Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
DE AMARAL, Mario Jorge Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
DE GRACE, Patrick John Non-payment of penalty fee August 8, 2023
DE GROOT, Barbara Jane Non-payment of fees October 12, 2022
DE JONG, Dirk G Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
DEACON, Michael R Non-payment of penalty fee August 22, 2018
DEBOER, Gary Bruce Cornelius Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
DECHAINE, Guy J Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
DEDEK, Simona Failure to report CPD June 19, 2024
DELANO, James Non-payment of penalty fee February 15, 2019
DELANOY, Gilbert Hector Conduct and Discipline September 12, 2018
DELCOURT, Charlene P Non-payment of fees January 12, 2022
DENIS, Thomas Dan Non-payment of penalty fee August 24, 2022
DENNEY, Janice Irene Goffena Non-payment of fees September 14, 2016
DERBYSHIRE, Jamie Lindsay Non-payment of fees October 12, 2022
DESILETS, Crystal Joan Non-payment of fees January 12, 2022
DEVEYRAC, Victor H Non-payment of penalty fee August 22, 2018
DEWOLFE, Angelina S J Non-payment of fees December 11, 2023
DIDLUCK, Shirley C Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
DIEHL, Colleen R. Non-payment of penalty fee June 14, 2018
DINH-PHUNG, Trang Ngoc Non-payment of fees January 12, 2022
DOCHSTADER, Dennis C Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
DODD, Cheryl Lynn Non-payment of penalty fee July 2, 2019
DOHERTY, William John Russell Non-payment of fees September 24, 2019
DOLAN, Coreen Mary Failure to report CPD February 23, 2022
DOLAN, Gerard J Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
DOLAN, James Patrick Failure to report CPD June 14, 2018
DOLNIK, Joseph Anthony Non-payment of fees November 18, 2020
DOLPHIN, Saima Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
DONOVAN, Keith DJ Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
DORIN, Murray William Non-payment of penalty fee July 2, 2019
DOUGLAS, Randy D. Non-Compliance March 20, 2017
DOVE, Jennifer Mary-Ann Non-payment of fees March 8, 2016
DOWN, Donald Norman Failure to report CPD July 24, 2020
DOWNS, Frederick Walter Failure to report CPD June 19, 2024
DRAPER, John G Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
DRAYCOTT, Michael Thomas Failure to report CPD July 26, 2022
DRISCOLL, Robert Neil Failure to report CPD June 19, 2024
DROUIN, Louise Kathleen Non-payment of penalty fee December 12, 2016
DU, Dong Ming Non-payment of fees September 14, 2016
DU, Weiwei Non-payment of fees November 18, 2020
DUBERRY, Vincent A Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
DUCHARME, Clint Oliver Conduct and Discipline September 4, 2021
DUDDER, Robert P Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
DUFFY, Ann Marie Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
DUNCAN, Grant W Failure to report CPD July 24, 2020
DUONG, Sokchia Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
DURK, Susan Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
DUTCZAK, Michael Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
DYER, Carisa Lee Ann Failure to report CPD June 4, 2019
EAGLETON, Donald C Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
EARLE, Susan Debra Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
EBRAHIM, Ayesha Non-payment of penalty fee February 20, 2019
ELDRIDGE, D Lynne Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
ELIUK, John S Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
ELLAMS, Corinne D Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
ELLE, Clarence Gordon Failure to report CPD June 14, 2018
ELLIOTT, Nicole Marie Non-payment of penalty fee August 22, 2018
ELLISON, Gordon Clark Failure to report CPD July 24, 2020
EMERSON, Marvin R Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
ERFANI, Masoud Failure to report CPD July 24, 2020
ERICKSON, Gordon Dennis Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
ERLENDSON, Frederick Arnold Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
ESUTURIE, Gbemisola O Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
EVANS, Jim R Non-Compliance August 14, 2019
EVANS, Tina Mae Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
EWAN, Samantha Zofia Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
EWERT, Rachel D Non-payment of fees September 14, 2016
EZENWAJIAKU, Ekwutosi Judith Non-payment of fees January 12, 2022
FAGAN, Joseph Gerald Failure to report CPD July 24, 2020
FAIAZZA, Peter Failure to report CPD June 14, 2018
FALKENBERG, Mervin Harold Failure to report CPD June 14, 2018
FANG, Fang Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
FARRUGIA, Tarcisio (Terry) T Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
FATOUREHCHI, Ghazaleh Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
FENNELL, Kerry Debbie Non-payment of fees September 17, 2018
FERGUSON, Alexander R Failure to report CPD June 14, 2018
FERGUSON, Corinne Lee Non-payment of fees October 4, 2017
FERGUSON, David Charles Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
FERGUSON, John Thomas Failure to report CPD September 28, 2020
FERKO, Laureta Combination March 7, 2016
FIANDER, Max Failure to report CPD August 31, 2020
FIELL, Jeffrey John Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
FISCHER, Walter Non-payment of penalty fee December 12, 2016
FISHER, G W Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
FISHER, Karen J Failure to report CPD July 24, 2020
FLAWSE, Michele Phyllis Failure to report CPD July 26, 2022
FLETT, James Tudor Non-payment of fees September 17, 2018
FLORENCE, Bruce M Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
FLUET, Maurice Clarence Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
FOFANA, Fatoumata Combination May 15, 2023
FOK, Grace Yin King Non-payment of penalty fee July 2, 2019
FOLLETT, Gordon Francis Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
FORBES, Gordon Archie Non-payment of penalty fee December 12, 2016
FORBES, Ross Alexander Non-payment of penalty fee February 15, 2019
FORBES-CALDWELL, Judith Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
FORSON, Ekow Non-payment of fees January 12, 2016
FORSYTH, Elizabeth R Non-payment of penalty fee August 31, 2020
FOWLER, Dean Alan Non-payment of fees January 12, 2022
FOX, Norman Howard Failure to report CPD June 4, 2019
FRADETTE, Jessie Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
FRASER, Spencer Quinton Failure to report CPD July 24, 2020
FREED, Rosemary C Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
FRENCH, Raymond Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
FRICK, Particia Ruth Non-payment of fees September 8, 2017
FRIEDMAN, Maureen M Non-payment of penalty fee August 22, 2018
FRIESEN, Laurel A Non-payment of fees September 14, 2016
FRITZKE, Kenneth D Non-payment of fees November 18, 2020
FROST, Gary Non-payment of fees September 8, 2017
Fryer, Erica Pauline Failure to report CPD June 19, 2024
FUNG, Peter Honlok Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
FUNG, Terence Wing-Suen Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
FURBER, Lyle David Conduct and Discipline September 16, 2020
GABARRO, Francisca Andrea Failure to report CPD July 24, 2020
GAILFUS, Bonnie E Non-payment of penalty fee August 31, 2020
GALISHEFF, Tony L Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
GALLAGHER, Adam Geoffrey Non-payment of fees October 12, 2022
GALLOWAY, Brian M Failure to report CPD July 25, 2023
GARIEPY, David Roger Non-payment of fees January 12, 2016
GARLAND, Charles Hitchings Non-payment of penalty fee August 28, 2017
GARMAN, Marcia Kay Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
GAVIGAN, Margaret M Non-payment of fees October 12, 2022
GAVLIN, Warren Non-payment of fees November 18, 2020
GAYLARD, Renee Rebecca Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
GEBAUER, Richard B Non-payment of fees January 12, 2022
GEBERT, Ronald Edward Non-Compliance December 11, 2023
GEORGACACOS, Aki Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
GHOSH, Krishna Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
GIBBONS, Peter Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
GIBBS, Brian Maurice Conduct and Discipline July 7, 2017
GIL, Roberto Mauro Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
GILANI, Syed Bilal Israr Failure to report CPD July 24, 2020
GILBERT, Richard Dale Non-payment of fees December 11, 2023
GILBERT, Stuart Edward Non-payment of fees October 12, 2022
GILMOUR, Kerry Ann Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
GLASS, Robin David Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
GLASSEN, Frank Clarence Non-payment of fees March 8, 2016
GLASSFORD, Ian Alexander Non-payment of penalty fee July 2, 2019
GLEASON, Don M Non-payment of fees November 18, 2020
GODOY, Dudley A Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
GOETSCH, Gary Wayne Failure to report CPD June 4, 2019
GOJ, Hans J. Non-payment of penalty fee February 27, 2017
GOLD, William Michael Non-payment of fees March 8, 2016
GOLDBERG, John Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
GONG, Lian Failure to report CPD July 26, 2022
GOTH, James D Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
GOUDY, John Alexander Non-payment of fees November 18, 2020
GOUIDA, Ilia V Non-payment of fees September 14, 2016
GOULARD, Kerry Lawrence Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
GOURLEY, William D. Non-payment of fees January 12, 2016
GOVINDARAJAN, Chitra Non-payment of fees September 12, 2019
GRAFTON, Thomas James Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
GRAHAM, Ian Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
GRASSBY, Brian William Failure to report CPD July 26, 2022
GREEN, James Fraser Failure to report CPD June 14, 2018
GREEN, Sandra Non-payment of fees November 18, 2020
GREENE, Dallas Christopher Non-payment of fees October 31, 2022
GREENE, Paul L Non-payment of fees November 18, 2020
GREENHAM, Gordon A. Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
GREENWAY, Frederick W Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
GREFNER, L Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
GREGGERSEN, Monica M. Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
GREY, Kathleen J Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
GROGAN, Kenneth C Failure to report CPD June 4, 2019
GROUT, William Douglas Failure to report CPD June 4, 2019
GSCHAIDER, Kathie G Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
GU, Haixiang Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
GU, Jane Jin Failure to report CPD June 4, 2019
GUENTHER, Heather Anne Failure to report CPD July 26, 2022
GUINAN, Karen L Non-payment of fees November 18, 2020
GULLEKSON, Greg Morley Non-payment of fees September 14, 2016
GUNNING, Donald A. Non-payment of penalty fee August 28, 2017
GUO, Ying Non-payment of fees November 4, 2015
GUTLAND, Eric Failure to report CPD June 4, 2019
GUTORMSON, Shirleyan C Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
GYLYTIUK, Gary Chester Failure to report CPD June 14, 2018
HADI, Jamila N Non-payment of fees January 12, 2016
HAGEN, Joshua Hans Non-payment of fees November 18, 2020
HAGER, David Allan Non-payment of fees September 25, 2023
HAGGINS, Murray D Non-payment of penalty fee February 27, 2017
HAIDARA, Bassam Jamal Ibrahim Failure to report CPD June 4, 2019
HAJI, Bashir Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
HAKOMAKI, Allison Non-payment of fees September 25, 2023
HALE, Michael Alexander Non-payment of fees January 2, 2018
HALL, Lorne B Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
HAMILTON, Calvin W Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
HAMILTON, Darlene Ann Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
HAMPER, Alan Arthur Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
HANIF, Mohammad Non-payment of fees September 17, 2018
HARASEMCHUK, Frances P Non-payment of fees September 14, 2016
HARDY, Paul Laurence Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
HARKER, David Murray Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
HARMS, Edward J Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
HARPER, Gordon Roy Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
HARRIS, Kenneth Boyd Non-payment of penalty fee July 2, 2019
HARRIS, Morlee J Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
HARRISON, W Robert Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
HART, Krystal Elaine Failure to report CPD October 23, 2017
HARTLEY, Wade R Failure to report CPD July 26, 2022
HAWKEN, George Thorn Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
HAWKER, Thomas Brian Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
Hay, Danny Robert Failure to report CPD July 24, 2020
HE, Qun Non-payment of fees October 19, 2016
HEAVENOR, Matthew Cole Non-payment of penalty fee August 31, 2020
HEINSEN, Dion Drew Non-payment of fees September 14, 2016
HELM, Jack M Non-payment of penalty fee March 9, 2017
HEMPHILL, David A Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
HENDRICKSON, Roger Frederick Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
HERAUF, Wayne Randall Non-payment of fees September 25, 2023
HERD, Vicki Louise Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
HESHKA, Benjamin Kyle Conduct and Discipline February 2, 2023
HETHERINGTON, Elizabeth A Non-payment of penalty fee August 8, 2023
HEWITT, Fern L Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
HILDEBRANDT, Gus John Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
HILL, Michael H Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
HILLIER, Bradley Brian Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
HIMSL, Sean James Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
HIRJI, Muradali Nazarali Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
HNIDAN, William Bruce Failure to report CPD June 15, 2016
HO, Chia Kong Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
HOCHHAUSEN, Thomas Vernon Conduct and Discipline July 30, 2019
HOHN, Leonard A Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
HOLDEN, Laura Elizabeth Non-payment of fees September 14, 2016
HOLM, Graham Keith Non-payment of fees September 12, 2019
HOLMES, Elizabeth Margaret Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
HOLMES, Joan Frances Non-payment of fees October 12, 2022
HOLMES, Russell Failure to report CPD June 4, 2019
HOLMGREN, Jeffrey Wayne Combination December 11, 2023
HOLTFORSTER, Monica Carroll Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
HOMENIUK, Wayne Nelson Non-payment of fees September 12, 2019
HONG, Hyun Jong Non-payment of fees September 12, 2019
HOOK, Terrance Dale Non-payment of fees September 12, 2019
HORTON, Gregory Charles Non-payment of penalty fee August 24, 2022
HOULE, Timothy J Failure to report CPD July 24, 2020
HOWARD, Justin John Quinlan Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
HOWARD, Thomas Palmer Failure to report CPD June 19, 2024
HOWE, Clifford Wade Combination March 7, 2016
HOYLE, Hugh Robert Failure to report CPD December 21, 2015
HRYCAK, Josephine Lorraine Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
HU, Xun Non-payment of fees September 14, 2016
HU, Yimei Failure to report CPD July 24, 2020
HUBBARD, Allen Wesley Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
HUBER, Alexis Louise Non-payment of fees March 8, 2016
HUDSON, Jeffrey Luke Non-payment of fees January 12, 2016
HUFFEY, Brett Failure to report CPD June 14, 2018
HUGHSON, Candace Lynn Non-payment of penalty fee August 8, 2023
HUMPHREYS, Barry E. Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
HUMPHREYS, Ken J Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
HUNTER, Connie Andrea Nichole Non-payment of fees September 12, 2019
HUNTER, Dana R. Failure to report CPD July 26, 2022
HUNTER, Randall Kim Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
HURLEY, Joan Leslie Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
HUSSAIN-ALI, Sami Abbas Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
HUTCHINGS, T Darryl Failure to report CPD June 4, 2019
HUTTON, Debbra I Non-payment of fees September 17, 2018
HWANG, David Han Bom Combination November 30, 2020
HYLTON, John Wesley Lee Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
IQBAL, Umair Non-payment of penalty fee August 31, 2020
ISAAK, Clifford S Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
ISLA, Manuel G Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
ISOP, Ivan Failure to report CPD July 26, 2022
IVAN, Oxana Non-payment of fees January 12, 2016
IWANKOW, Wally Borden Failure to report CPD July 26, 2022
JACKSON, J Ken Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
JACKSON, Susan Marie Non-payment of penalty fee August 31, 2020
JACOBS, Jo-Anne Failure to report CPD July 24, 2020
JACOBS, Karl Failure to report CPD July 26, 2022
JACOBS, Philip Non-payment of fees September 17, 2018
JAFFER, Abu F Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
JAIPAUL, David B Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
JAMAL, Muhammad Ali Non-payment of fees January 12, 2022
JAMAL, Nurjehan Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
JANMOHAMED, Shafiq Dawood Hassan Conduct and Discipline October 25, 2016
JARRETT, Donald Bruce Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
JARVIS, Roberta Mae Non-payment of fees January 12, 2016
JAVATE, Myrna Reyes Non-payment of fees September 14, 2016
JAVED, Mehwish Non-payment of fees January 12, 2022
JEFFERY, John Alfred Failure to report CPD July 26, 2022
JENSEN, Daryl Failure to report CPD June 19, 2024
JENSEN, Poul K Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
JOHANSEN, Elizabeth (Betty) Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
JOHANSEN, Kim Non-payment of fees September 29, 2015
JOHANSON, A. Michele M Non-payment of fees January 12, 2022
JOHNSON, George D Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
JOHNSON, Kevin L Non-payment of fees October 4, 2017
JOHNSON, Marvin McGill Non-payment of fees September 25, 2023
JOHNSON, Norman S. Failure to report CPD June 14, 2018
JOHNSON, Renee Marie Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
JOHNSON, Thomas Michael Non-payment of fees September 12, 2019
JOHNSON, Tim Clifford Non-payment of fees October 12, 2022
JOHNSTON, Alvin William Failure to report CPD August 3, 2023
JOHNSTON, Frederick C Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
JOLY, Armand Michel Joseph Failure to report CPD June 4, 2019
JONES, Rawlyn Cecill Rutten Non-payment of fees November 18, 2020
JONES, Ronald B Failure to report CPD February 23, 2022
JOSLYN, Marion L Non-payment of fees January 12, 2022
KABATOFF, Sheila M Failure to report CPD June 14, 2018
KALUGIN, Irene Non-payment of fees September 12, 2019
KAM, Keith Sheung Che Non-payment of penalty fee August 28, 2017
KANG, Sonam Kaur Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
KANGAS, J Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
KAPKO, Walter John Failure to report CPD June 14, 2018
KARAMBOIKIS, Cindy Non-payment of fees September 17, 2018
KARLSON, Hildred V Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
KASER, Sharron A Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
KASIAN, Mark Ian Non-payment of fees September 12, 2019
KASSAM, Zulficar M. Failure to report CPD July 26, 2022
KAUR, Amrit Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
KAUSHIK, Rakesh Non-payment of fees January 12, 2022
KAY, Grant Matthew Non-payment of penalty fee June 19, 2024
KAZAMEL, Lois Anna Non-payment of fees January 12, 2016
KAZEIL, Cynthia L. Failure to report CPD July 3, 2018
KEE, Warren Bruce Non-payment of fees January 12, 2022
KEELAN, David Laurence Failure to report CPD July 26, 2022
KEHLER, Michael Owen Non-payment of fees September 8, 2017
KELLNER, Teresa Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
KENNEDY, James J Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
KENNEDY, Jane Non-payment of fees January 12, 2016
KENNINGTON, John K Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
KENNY, Stephen P Non-payment of penalty fee July 2, 2019
KENT, Elizabeth Jody Williams Failure to report CPD July 24, 2020
KEOUGH, Allan George Failure to report CPD July 24, 2020
KHOO, Ming Koong Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
KHOSHKHESAL, Nabil Non-payment of fees January 12, 2022
KIENZLE, Denis L Failure to report CPD July 26, 2022
KIERSTEAD, Michael Ashley Non-payment of fees October 12, 2022
KINDER, Brian Roger Failure to report CPD July 24, 2020
KINNEE, Glen James Non-payment of penalty fee August 24, 2022
KINNEY, Linda V Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
KIRSTEIN, Lorraine Gail Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
KJELGREN, Christopher Burton Non-payment of fees October 12, 2022
KLASSEN, Steve P Failure to report CPD June 19, 2024
KLASSEN, Terry R Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
KLEM, Patrick Stephen Failure to report CPD July 26, 2022
KNUFF, Colleen Failure to report CPD June 19, 2024
KOCH, Jason W. Non-payment of fees October 12, 2022
KOHUT, Michael G. Failure to report CPD June 18, 2018
KOROLISCHUK, Bryan Philip Non-payment of fees November 18, 2020
KOSSEY, Donald Myran Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
KOSSMANN, Maxine E Non-payment of penalty fee August 31, 2020
KOZAK, Michael G Non-payment of penalty fee August 28, 2017
KRAFT, Michelle Brianna Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
KRAKE, Russell Delmar Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
KRAWCHUK, Russell W Non-payment of fees September 14, 2016
KRAWCZYK, Linda N. Non-payment of penalty fee August 31, 2020
KRIESEL, Rosemarie Delphine Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
KROENING, Amy Rachelle Non-payment of fees March 8, 2016
KRONEMEYER, William B Failure to report CPD July 24, 2020
KRUPKA, Eugenia Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
KRUSHELNICKI, Richard Kalvin Conduct and Discipline September 15, 2016
KUDRYK, Stewart Alexander Non-payment of fees September 17, 2018
KUEMPER, Angela Dawn Non-payment of penalty fee July 2, 2019
KUETHE, Janice M Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
KUMAR, Jagriti Failure to report CPD July 24, 2020
KURTZ, Greg Allen Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
KUSTRA, Rhys Thomas Non-payment of fees September 14, 2016
KUZORAUNYE, Gracea Non-payment of fees September 12, 2019
KWAN, Michael Y. Non-payment of fees September 25, 2023
KWOK, Jennifer Failure to report CPD June 19, 2024
KYTE, Francis Rory Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
LAI, Wendy Non-payment of fees September 8, 2017
LAM, Yin-Ling Iris Non-payment of penalty fee August 28, 2017
LANG, Fiona Allison Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
LARSEN, Stewart Non-payment of penalty fee July 2, 2019
LASHER, Wayne Ernest Non-payment of penalty fee August 31, 2020
LASHINSKI, Richard Mark Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
LASLOP, Harry William Non-payment of penalty fee October 14, 2021
LASTIWKA, George Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
LASTIWKA, Jeffrey M Failure to report CPD June 4, 2019
LAU, Cindy C. Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
LAU, Jasper Kit-Yee Non-payment of fees September 14, 2016
LAU, Jessica Failure to report CPD July 26, 2022
LAUNDER, Robert John Combination March 7, 2016
LAUREN, Sandra Lea Non-payment of penalty fee July 2, 2019
LAVINSKAS, Gary R Non-payment of fees January 12, 2016
LAWRENCE, Steven Douglas Non-payment of penalty fee August 24, 2022
LAWS, Marianne Non-payment of fees January 12, 2016
LAYTON, Ronald C Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
LEA, Theresa J Non-Compliance October 31, 2022
LEDUC, Janice I Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
LEE, Alex Failure to report CPD October 9, 2015
LEE, Sara M Failure to report CPD July 24, 2020
LEHACI, Liviu Failure to report CPD June 14, 2018
LEONG, Hon Fei Non-payment of fees January 12, 2022
LEONG, Robert H Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
LEUNG, Cindy C Non-payment of fees September 12, 2019
LEUNG, Ivy Lai Kuen Non-payment of fees September 14, 2016
LEWIS, Harold R Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
LI, Jeanne Non-payment of penalty fee October 14, 2021
LI, Jessie Chi Yue Non-payment of penalty fee August 31, 2020
LI, Lili Non-payment of penalty fee August 24, 2022
LI, Muye Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
LIM, Sharon Ching Boon Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
LISITZA, Jo-Anne Germaine Non-payment of fees January 12, 2016
LISTER, Ken D Combination March 7, 2016
LITTLE, Bryan C Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
LITTLE, Susan Non-payment of fees November 18, 2020
LITVINCHUK, Leonard J Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
LITWIN, Boris E Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
LIU, Cheng Non-payment of fees October 12, 2022
LIU, Tianzhen Non-payment of fees February 23, 2022
LOGAN, Robert E A Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
LOPER, Jeffrey William Non-payment of penalty fee December 12, 2016
LORNIE, Jacqueline A Non-payment of penalty fee February 27, 2017
LOUGH, Charles K Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
LOVLIE-HENDERSON, Eve L Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
LOWES, Jonathan Craig Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
LUCK, Randall Preston Non-payment of fees September 8, 2017
LUCYSHYN, Calvin Brent Non-Compliance October 23, 2020
LUDWICK, Morris Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
LUTTON, Steven John Non-payment of fees September 12, 2019
LUTZ, Paulette Candice Non-Compliance August 16, 2018
LYNK, Leanne M. Combination October 22, 2019
LYNN, Donald B Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
LYSENG, Donna Beverly Non-payment of fees January 12, 2016
MA, Bianca Non-payment of fees March 8, 2016
MABEE, Daniel Gordon Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
MABERLEY, Kathy A Non-payment of penalty fee February 27, 2017
MACARTHUR, Sarah M Non-Compliance February 12, 2024
MACDONALD, Beverley Lila Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
MACDONALD, Linda Darlene Non-Compliance February 28, 2023
MACDONALD, Matthew G. Non-payment of fees September 14, 2016
MACDONALD, Robert Angus Failure to report CPD December 6, 2022
MACGREGOR, M. Grace Non-payment of penalty fee August 22, 2018
MACINTOSH, Karen M Non-payment of fees October 12, 2022
MACISAAC, Fraser Joseph Failure to report CPD June 4, 2019
MACISAAC, Margaret Catherine Non-payment of fees January 12, 2022
MACKAY, Alexander Jamieson Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
MACKAY, Diana L Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
MACLEOD, Ian Donald Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
MACNAB, Nancy Joanne Non-Compliance October 1, 2019
MACPHAIL, Calvin James Failure to report CPD July 25, 2023
MACPHAIL, John Steven Non-payment of fees September 14, 2016
MACPHERSON, Neil Cameron Failure to report CPD December 7, 2016
MADDER, Sylvia Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
MADILL, Robert Alexander Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
MAH, Gordon Kenneth Combination March 8, 2024
MAH, Henry Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
MAH, Terence Charles Non-payment of fees February 23, 2022
MAH, Wendy Failure to report CPD June 14, 2018
MAH, Wendy Non-payment of penalty fee August 31, 2020
MAHMUD, Omar Non-payment of penalty fee August 31, 2020
MAI, Tuan Anh Non-payment of fees September 12, 2019
MAINELLA, Mario Failure to report CPD July 26, 2022
MAK, Glen Non-payment of fees January 16, 2023
MAKSYMIC, Chris Ian Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
MALARCHUK, David R Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
MALEKANO, Rukariro Leah Non-payment of fees October 12, 2022
MALUMI, Oluwatoyin Non-payment of fees January 12, 2022
MANITOWICH, Ronald J Non-payment of fees January 12, 2016
MANSFIELD OLYNYK, Jill A. Non-payment of penalty fee August 22, 2018
MANTHEY, Pamela Elizabeth Non-Compliance July 26, 2017
MARAK, Peter John Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
MARCHEWKA, John Non-Compliance February 28, 2023
MARSH, Allan H Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
MARTA, Louis Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
MARTIN, Anthony George Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
MARTIN, John Scott Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
MARTIN, Patrick Allan Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
MARTINO, Wendy Christine Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
MARTINS, Gerald A Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
MASSING, Wayne Carl Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
MASTERS, Rick Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
MATAMBO, Kuziwakwashe Non-payment of fees September 25, 2023
MATHESON, Robert J Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
MATHIES, Clifford Allen Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
MATIS, Robert Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
MATTHEWS, Leslie W Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
MAXIM, Mary A Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
MCALPINE, Elaine Mary Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
MCARTHUR, G Arnold Failure to report CPD July 26, 2022
MCAVOY, William Donald Non-payment of fees November 6, 2023
MCCAMMON, Bryan John Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
MCCAW, Brennan Joseph Non-payment of fees September 14, 2016
MCCLEARY, Richard K. Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
MCCOLLUM, James W Non-payment of fees October 7, 2016
MCDONALD, Adrienne Ruth Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
MCDONALD, Robert Gerard Failure to report CPD June 19, 2024
MCDOWALL, Archibald William Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
MCGILLIVRAY, Rita Louise Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
MCGRATH, Karen A Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
MCGREGOR, Leanne Marlynne Failure to report CPD June 4, 2019
MCGUIRE, Iain Frank Non-Compliance April 27, 2022
MCINTOSH, R Douglas Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
MCINTYRE, Robert Donald Non-payment of fees September 17, 2018
MCKEAND, Peter G Non-payment of fees February 15, 2019
MCKEE, James Non-payment of fees September 17, 2018
MCKIMMIE, Kevin Non-payment of penalty fee October 14, 2021
MCLAUGHLIN, Steven James Combination May 9, 2020
MCLEAN, Donald G. Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
MCLEMAN, Laura Louise Non-payment of fees October 12, 2022
MCLEOD, Donald Andrew Failure to report CPD October 9, 2015
MCLEOD, Marguerite M Non-Compliance November 21, 2018
MCMASTER, James N Failure to report CPD July 26, 2022
MCMULLEN, Sharon Leona Non-payment of fees January 12, 2016
MCPHAIL, Sandra Charleen Non-payment of fees September 17, 2018
MCPHERSON, Russell Non-payment of fees September 17, 2018
MCQUARRIE, Richard W Non-payment of fees September 17, 2018
MEAD, Doreen D Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
MEAKIN, Karen M Non-payment of penalty fee June 14, 2018
MEHEW, Marian Faythe Failure to report CPD June 14, 2018
MEMA, Victor Zembe Conduct and Discipline March 5, 2024
MENDYK, Gerald Roger Non-payment of fees September 8, 2017
MENEC, Jonathan Ashley Daniel Non-payment of fees November 18, 2020
MERGEN, Patricia Anne Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
METZ, Jerry Stephen Failure to report CPD July 15, 2016
METZ, Linda Lorraine Failure to report CPD July 15, 2016
METZ, Tyler L. Non-payment of fees November 18, 2020
MICHELAU, Carol L Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
MICIULA, Matt Mateusz Non-Compliance April 23, 2024
MIDDLETON, Katherine Elizabeth Non-Compliance October 23, 2020
MIKKELSEN, Darla Ann Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
MILES, Mervyn R Failure to report CPD June 14, 2018
MILLS, Leroy Dorne Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
MILLS, Robert Non-payment of penalty fee August 28, 2017
MILLWARD, John Failure to report CPD June 14, 2018
MILNE, David Non-payment of fees September 8, 2017
MILNER, Thomas Aquilla Non-payment of penalty fee August 22, 2018
MINHAS, Angela Conduct and Discipline June 30, 2022
MISOVIC, Mladenka Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
MITCHELL, Donald George Failure to report CPD October 9, 2015
MITCHELL, G. Edwin Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
MITCHELL, Leonard John Failure to report CPD July 26, 2022
MITTELSTAEDT, Harvey M Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
MITZEL, Murray Trevor Failure to report CPD June 4, 2019
MIU, Anthony Yin Hon Non-Compliance May 29, 2023
MOBERLY, Grant Conduct and Discipline July 30, 2019
MOENCH, Tracy D Non-Compliance July 26, 2017
MOLEDINA, Fahim Ekbal Conduct and Discipline May 21, 2019
MOLINE, Elden Marvin Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
MOLYNEAUX, Martin Peter Failure to report CPD July 26, 2022
Mons, Aaron Patrick Non-payment of fees February 23, 2021
MONTGOMERY, Margit B Non-payment of penalty fee August 31, 2020
MONZON, Gustavo Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
MOONDI, Brahamjot Kaur Non-payment of fees September 12, 2019
MOONEY, Maureen S Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
MORIN, Andre Non-payment of fees September 14, 2016
MORIN, Leslie M Failure to report CPD June 14, 2018
MORO, Karla-Maria K Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
MORRIS, Michael Non-payment of fees January 12, 2022
MORRIS, Robert Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
MOSKAL, Daniel Michael Non-payment of penalty fee December 7, 2016
MUELLER, Heinz A Non-payment of penalty fee August 24, 2022
MUELLER, Richard Failure to report CPD December 7, 2016
MULKA, Karen Julia Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
MULLEN, Brian Peter Failure to report CPD June 4, 2019
Mumtaz, Rashid Failure to report CPD July 26, 2022
MUNYORO, Brenda Non-payment of fees February 23, 2022
MURPHY, Anita Non-payment of fees October 31, 2022
MURPHY, Sarah Elizabeth Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
MURRAY, Lawrence Cameron Failure to report CPD July 26, 2022
MURRAY, Robert H Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
MUZYCHKA, Robert Michael Failure to report CPD July 24, 2020
NASER, Manar Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
NATTRASS, Delbert Allen Failure to report CPD June 4, 2019
NAYLOR, David Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
NEARY, Cody Donovan Failure to report CPD July 26, 2022
NEGRAVE, Larry Failure to report CPD July 24, 2020
NEILSON, James Russell Combination August 8, 2016
NENGUKE, Kudzayi Austen Time Limit UFE or FD February 12, 2019
NEUFELD, Philip Albert Failure to report CPD July 26, 2022
NEWTON, Christine Odelia Failure to report CPD June 4, 2019
NG, George S Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
NG, Winnie P Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
NICHOLAS, Patrick N Non-payment of fees October 12, 2022
NICHOLL, Joshua D. Failure to report CPD June 4, 2019
NICOL, William Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
NIELSEN, Tracey D Non-payment of fees September 25, 2023
NJANG ETENGENENG, Jolly Non-payment of fees January 12, 2016
NORDBYE, Lee Robert Non-payment of fees September 14, 2016
NORRIE, Jim K. Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
NWAKANMA, Dike Frederick Failure to report CPD June 14, 2018
NYCHOLAT, Edward Harold Non-payment of fees September 8, 2017
NYHOLT, Jan James Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
O'HARA, Mori J Failure to report CPD June 14, 2018
O'HARA, Randy M. Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
O'NEILL, Joseph Barry Non-payment of fees September 12, 2019
O'NEILL, Lorene H Non-payment of penalty fee February 27, 2017
OAKDEN, Joel William Non-payment of fees September 14, 2016
OBASI, Nnamdi Edward Non-Compliance October 1, 2019
OKATAHI, Oyisi P Non-payment of penalty fee August 31, 2020
OLADUNJOYE, Afolabi Elijah Non-payment of fees October 12, 2022
OLAJIDE, Ayotunde Mogbojuloluwa Failure to report CPD August 3, 2021
OLAND, John Paul Failure to report CPD October 9, 2015
OLIVER, Matthew James Non-payment of fees September 14, 2016
OLIYNYK, Stanyslav Non-payment of fees January 12, 2016
OPALKA, William Alex Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
ORR, Charles Kennedy Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
ORSTEN, Darlene J. Non-payment of fees January 12, 2022
OSWALD, Darren Lyle Non-payment of fees January 12, 2016
OUELLETTE, Shayne Matthew Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
OVERLAND, Roberta E Failure to report CPD July 19, 2016
OWERKO, Brigitte Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
PADMANABHAN, Arun K Non-Compliance October 1, 2019
PAIN, Michael Thomas Failure to report CPD July 26, 2022
PALIN, Joan Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
PALMER, Gordon R Non-payment of penalty fee July 2, 2019
PANG, Calina S Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
PARK, Alice Cecile Failure to report CPD July 24, 2020
PARK, Gwen D Non-payment of penalty fee August 8, 2023
PARK, R Bruce Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
PARKER, Anthony Giles Bursnal Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
PARSONS, David H Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
PARTON, John Willard Kenneth Non-payment of penalty fee August 22, 2018
PARVEZ, Abhishek Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
PATEL, Akash Non-Compliance May 27, 2024
PATEL, Davita Non-Compliance May 29, 2020
PATERSON, John Lewis Non-payment of penalty fee July 3, 2018
PATRICK, Carol Louise Non-payment of penalty fee August 24, 2022
PAUL, Anil Combination November 11, 2018
PAULSEN, Bradley Kent Failure to report CPD July 26, 2022
PAYNE, Cecil F Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
PEARD, Lois Mary Failure to report CPD June 4, 2019
PEATZ, Gerald Stevan Non-payment of fees October 12, 2022
PEDLEY, Carolyn A Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
PEKH, Serguei Failure to report CPD June 4, 2019
PENNER, Kevin W Non-payment of fees January 12, 2016
PEREDO, Jose Non-payment of fees January 12, 2022
PETERS, Mona M Failure to report CPD July 24, 2020
PETERSON, Russell Dale Failure to report CPD June 19, 2024
PETERSON, Vicki J Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
PHILIPP, Beverley J Non-payment of fees September 12, 2019
PHUONG, Joanna Non-payment of fees November 18, 2020
PIERCE, Dustin John Non-payment of penalty fee October 14, 2021
PIERSON, Richard C Non-payment of fees October 12, 2022
PIRO, Roger Failure to report CPD July 26, 2022
PITTMAN, Edward R Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
PLAN, Aubrey Victor Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
PLAYFAIR, Linda Lou Anne Failure to report CPD June 4, 2019
POCKLINGTON, John Philip Non-payment of fees October 7, 2016
POOLE, Roger Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
POOLE, Tim J. Non-payment of fees September 14, 2016
POPP, Michael John Non-payment of fees November 18, 2020
POPPITT, Edward Albert Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
PORTER, Donald Robert Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
PORTER, Harold E Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
PORTER, Milton R Failure to report CPD June 4, 2019
PORTER, Nancy Jane Non-payment of penalty fee December 12, 2016
POTTER, Robert Ernest Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
POTYONDI, Tanya L. Non-payment of fees September 14, 2016
POWER, Kevin Lawrence Non-payment of penalty fee July 2, 2019
POWERS, Andree Elizabeth Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
PRATT, Ronald Edward Non-payment of fees January 12, 2016
PRICE, Alanna Rita Non-payment of fees October 12, 2022
PRICE, Ralph L Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
PRIER, Gail Irene Non-payment of fees September 14, 2016
PRIKOPA, Heinz George Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
PRITCHARD, James Sidney Failure to report CPD October 9, 2015
PROKOP, Lawrence Harold Non-payment of penalty fee October 14, 2021
PROVICK, Cameron B. Non-payment of penalty fee June 19, 2024
PURCELL, David Turner Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
PYNN, Frederick Douglas Non-payment of penalty fee August 31, 2020
QUAALE, Leslie D Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
QUARSHIE, Solomon Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
QUINLAN, Gerald Frederick Failure to report CPD June 19, 2024
RABIU, Olatunji N. Non-payment of fees September 8, 2017
RADCLIFFE, Tyler Hewitt Failure to report CPD July 24, 2020
RADKE, Otto W Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
RAGHAVJI, Amir F Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
RAHEMTULLA, Nazir S. Non-payment of fees September 14, 2016
RAI, Pankaj Non-payment of penalty fee August 31, 2020
RAJA, Bober Javed Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
RAKOWSKI, Kevin Henry Non-payment of fees October 12, 2022
RALPH, Paul W Non-payment of penalty fee June 19, 2024
RAMOS, Devawn Marie Terese Non-payment of fees October 12, 2022
RAMPLING, Stanley R Non-payment of penalty fee December 7, 2016
RAMSAY, Birte Annelise Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
RAMSAY, Frederick Harold Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
RAMSDEN, James Tobit Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
RAYFIELD, John A Failure to report CPD June 4, 2019
REAIN, Tammy Lee Non-payment of fees January 12, 2016
REARDON, Robert Kent Failure to report CPD July 26, 2022
REAUME, Mark D Failure to report CPD June 14, 2018
REAVIE, Gary Dean Non-payment of fees September 25, 2023
REBUS, Edward Martin Failure to report CPD December 7, 2016
REDEKOP, Victor John Non-payment of penalty fee August 23, 2019
REEVES, Rebecca E. Non-payment of fees September 12, 2019
REID, Christopher Donald Non-payment of fees October 12, 2022
REID, Harold Edward Non-payment of fees September 14, 2016
REIMCHEN, Chris Henry Non-payment of fees September 25, 2023
REMPEL, Garth Wayne Non-payment of fees September 17, 2018
REMTILLA, Kabyer Non-payment of fees January 12, 2022
RICE, Beryl Margaret Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
RICE, Phyllis Sylvia Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
RICHARDS, David Edward Failure to report CPD June 4, 2019
RICHE, Raymond Jason Non-payment of fees December 9, 2020
RICHER, Jack Non-payment of penalty fee October 14, 2021
RICHTER, L Brian Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
RIDING, James Bruce Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
RIEGEL, Jesse Wade Non-payment of fees January 12, 2022
RILKOFF, George William Failure to report CPD June 14, 2018
RIOUX, Michelle Marie Non-payment of fees September 17, 2018
RITCHIE, Angela Non-payment of fees September 8, 2017
RITCHIE, Debbie L Non-Compliance July 26, 2017
RITCHIE, Terry John Non-payment of fees January 12, 2016
RITTINGER, James Non-payment of penalty fee August 31, 2020
ROBERTS, Wilma Joan Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
ROBERTSON, Mathew James Reynolds Non-payment of fees September 12, 2019
ROBICHAUD, Ronald J Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
ROBINSON, Joanne Margaret Non-payment of fees October 7, 2016
ROBINSON, Leslie G Non-payment of fees January 2, 2018
RONQUILLO, Vergel S Failure to report CPD July 26, 2022
ROOKE, Brian D Non-payment of penalty fee June 19, 2024
ROSSER, Brian Donald Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
ROTH, Janice Gayle Marie Failure to report CPD June 14, 2018
ROZO, Dominique Failure to report CPD July 24, 2020
RUDLAND, B F Non-payment of penalty fee December 7, 2016
RUKEBESHA, Jean Pierre Combination March 15, 2021
RUMBALL, C. A. Gray Non-payment of fees September 14, 2016
RUSSELL, Rolland Keith Non-payment of fees October 3, 2023
RUTHERFORD, Thomas A Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
RUTLEDGE, Jayne M. Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
SABJAN, Steve George Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
SADLER, Jonathan Henry Non-payment of fees September 17, 2018
SADLOWSKI, Paul Patrick Failure to report CPD June 19, 2024
SALOMONS, Ralph Non-payment of fees January 12, 2016
Sandhu, Mankirat Failure to report CPD July 26, 2022
SANDHU, Rupi Non-payment of fees January 12, 2016
SANGAH, Parveen Kaur Non-payment of fees January 12, 2022
SAUL, David Karr Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
SAUNDERS, Christopher Andrew Non-payment of fees September 14, 2016
SAUNDERS-STUEWE, Julie Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
SAVENKOFF, Jennifer Non-payment of fees September 12, 2019
SCHARF, Janice Doreen Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
SCHILLINGER, Calvin G Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
SCHMIDT, Robert W Non-payment of penalty fee August 28, 2017
SCHMIDT, Timothy Craig Non-payment of fees September 8, 2017
SCHNAIER, Michele Lynn Non-payment of fees September 14, 2016
SCHNEIDER, Elaine M Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
SCHOFFER, Reginald A Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
SCHREIBER, Sheldon Jack Non-payment of fees September 14, 2016
SCHULENBORG, John A Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
SCHWARTZ, Carl Non-payment of fees January 12, 2022
SCOFIELD, Gordon Trevor Non-Compliance November 6, 2020
SCOTT, Kenneth Grant Non-payment of penalty fee February 15, 2019
SCOTT, Michael George Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
SCOTT, Robert Kent Failure to report CPD June 19, 2024
SCULLION, Karen Anne Failure to report CPD June 14, 2018
SEEGMILLER, Timothy Geoffrey Failure to report CPD June 14, 2018
SERANKO, Terrance M Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
SETH, Kamal K Non-payment of fees September 12, 2019
SHABAN ALI, Shahneel Failure to report CPD June 14, 2018
SHAHIPOUR, Nazanin (Nahzy) Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
SHARMA, Paurush Failure to report CPD July 24, 2020
SHARMA, Sagar Combination March 7, 2016
SHATOSKY, Rick A Non-payment of fees September 17, 2018
SHAW, Harry James Failure to report CPD June 14, 2018
SHESHKA, Amber Kaur Non-payment of fees January 16, 2023
SHIMBASHI, Gordon Murray Non-payment of fees September 12, 2019
SHIMODA, Dick K. Failure to report CPD June 14, 2018
SHINEWALD, Stewart Failure to report CPD July 26, 2022
SHIRAPOVA, Dina Non-payment of fees September 8, 2017
SHOEMAKER, John Stanley Non-payment of penalty fee October 19, 2022
SHPIEL, Stanley Walter Non-payment of penalty fee August 28, 2017
SHRESTHA, Dipendra Failure to report CPD July 26, 2022
SHULTZ, Barbara J. G. Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
SHULTZ, Clayton George Failure to report CPD June 4, 2019
SHUMKA, Eric David Failure to report CPD June 4, 2019
SHUPE, Jane Failure to report CPD July 26, 2022
SIDDIQI, Muhammad Hasan Iqbal Failure to report CPD June 14, 2018
SIGURDSON, Daylan David Non-payment of fees September 14, 2016
SIMONS, Brenda Lee Failure to report CPD June 4, 2019
SIU, Danny T l Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
SKIDMORE, Kerry Wayne Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
SKILNICK, John Joseph Failure to report CPD June 14, 2018
SKOMOROWSKI, Thomas M Failure to report CPD June 4, 2019
SLEUMER, Foyita Non-payment of penalty fee June 19, 2024
SLOBODIAN, Allan Dale Combination September 7, 2023
SMIT, Daniel Johannes Non-payment of penalty fee August 31, 2020
SMITH, Farzaneh Failure to report CPD July 26, 2022
SMITH, John R. Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
SMITH, Peter Robert Failure to report CPD July 26, 2022
SMITH, Virgil A Failure to report CPD June 4, 2019
SNEDDON, Jody May Non-payment of fees September 8, 2017
SOMAN, Susan Andrea Non-payment of fees September 12, 2019
SONG, Chan Non-payment of fees December 3, 2019
SONG, Feifei Non-payment of penalty fee August 31, 2020
SONNTAG, Roger Maurice Failure to report CPD June 14, 2018
SORSDAHL, Cindy Dawn Non-payment of fees October 12, 2022
SPOHN, Randall Francis Non-Compliance August 14, 2019
SPRAGG, Clive David Non-payment of penalty fee December 12, 2016
SPREADBURY, Charles L Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
SPRINGSTEEL, Glen L Non-payment of fees January 12, 2016
SPROULE, Robert Ian Failure to report CPD July 26, 2022
STAMP, Michael Patrick Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
STANFORD, Grant L Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
STAPLETON, Jackie Leora Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
STARCHUK, David L. Non-payment of fees January 12, 2022
STECKLER, Alvin Walter Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
STEEVES, J Barry Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
STEPHENSON, Edward Frederick Non-payment of penalty fee August 31, 2020
STERGIOU, Dimitrios Jim Conduct and Discipline November 9, 2015
STETSKO, Lester Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
STEVENS, Mark Richard Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
STEVENS, Pamela Dawn Non-payment of fees January 12, 2016
STEVENSON, Ron Arthur Non-payment of penalty fee August 31, 2020
STEWART, Diane Eileen Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
STEWART, Robert Alexander Failure to report CPD July 24, 2020
STILL, Grant Donald Non-payment of fees January 12, 2016
STOBBE, Glenn D Non-payment of penalty fee August 31, 2020
STOEVER, Carla Renate Non-payment of penalty fee July 2, 2019
STOKDIJK, John Douwe Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
STONE, Terry W Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
STOROSHENKO, Alex P Failure to report CPD June 14, 2018
STRAARUP, Blaine H Non-Compliance November 21, 2018
STRACHAN, Marvin R Non-payment of penalty fee December 12, 2016
STRANG, Sean D Non-payment of fees April 4, 2022
STURGEON, Calvin Frank Non-payment of fees December 9, 2020
STURT, Paul Michael Failure to report CPD June 14, 2018
SUAN, Anna Failure to report CPD June 19, 2024
SUNDAL, Chanpreet Kaur Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
SUNDGAARD, Donald Louie Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
SUNDVALL, Kevin John Non-payment of fees January 12, 2022
SUPINGER, Diane Non-payment of fees October 12, 2022
SUSTRIK, Clifford Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
SUTHERLAND, Laurie L. Non-payment of fees February 15, 2019
SUZDALOV, Pavlo Combination April 4, 2019
SWANSON, Heather Non-payment of penalty fee July 2, 2019
SWEANY, George Wayne Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
SZAUTNER, Kelly V. Non-payment of fees October 12, 2022
SZETO, Christine C Failure to report CPD July 24, 2020
SZMURLO JR., Charles Joseph Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
SZOTT, Alvin William Non-payment of fees March 8, 2016
TALBOT, Jean-Guy Non-payment of fees September 14, 2016
TAM, Katherine Kit Ming Failure to report CPD June 14, 2018
TANG, Arthur K Non-payment of penalty fee December 7, 2016
TANG, Kitty Kit Bing Non-payment of penalty fee June 19, 2024
TANG, Maggie Failure to report CPD June 14, 2018
TANIGUCHI, Donald M. Non-payment of fees September 25, 2023
TARASUK, William Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
TARIQ, Muhammad Ali Non-payment of fees November 18, 2020
TARRANT, Ashley A. Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
TAYLOR, Brian Alan Non-payment of penalty fee October 14, 2021
TAYLOR, Janice Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
TAYLOR, Susan Jennifer Simone Non-payment of fees September 8, 2017
TAYLOR, W. Brian Failure to report CPD June 19, 2024
TEBO, Nixon Conduct and Discipline November 28, 2016
TELFER, Andrew David Non-payment of penalty fee August 24, 2022
TEMPLETON, Jack W Failure to report CPD July 26, 2022
THIESSEN, Stacy Patrice Non-payment of fees November 18, 2020
THIND, Navjot Failure to report CPD June 14, 2018
THOMPSON, Dean C Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
THOMPSON, Hugh Brian Failure to report CPD July 26, 2022
THOMPSON, John E. Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
THOMSON, Bradley James Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
THORSON, Donald Conduct and Discipline August 23, 2018
THORVALDSON, Thomas Barrie Failure to report CPD October 4, 2016
TIFFIN, William Alexander Non-payment of penalty fee August 24, 2022
TIMMINS, Eleanor F Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
TIMMONS, Barry Douglas Non-payment of fees September 8, 2017
TKACZUK, Michael Non-payment of fees March 8, 2016
TOLENTINO, Jose B Failure to report CPD December 7, 2016
TOMBOULIAN, Joyce A Failure to report CPD July 24, 2020
TONN, Erwin A Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
TOSCZAK, Cecilia Anne Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
TOWERS, Richard Ian Failure to report CPD June 14, 2018
TRACEY, D. Paige Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
TRAUB, Donald Eugene Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
TRAUB, Heather Lynn Failure to report CPD September 7, 2022
TREUTLER, Jacqueline Marie Non-payment of fees November 18, 2020
TRIEBWASSER, Albert Floyd Failure to report CPD June 4, 2019
TROWBRIDGE, Christopher Todd Non-payment of fees November 18, 2020
TSANG, Peter Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
TSANG, Wai Kuen Non-Compliance October 1, 2019
TSE, Eva Kim Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
TSE, Pierson Non-payment of fees January 12, 2016
TSE, Sel Hon Non-Compliance April 27, 2022
TU, Nu Y Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
TUCKER, David Mattias Failure to report CPD July 24, 2020
TULK, Melissa Danielle Non-payment of fees September 17, 2018
TULLOCH, Catherine A. Non-payment of penalty fee August 9, 2023
TURCINHODZIC, Samra Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
TURNBULL, Nathan T. Non-payment of fees September 14, 2016
TURNER, Ashley Rae-Marie Failure to report CPD July 24, 2020
TURNER, David John Non-payment of penalty fee December 12, 2016
TUTS, Grant Justin Combination May 13, 2024
TWIGG, Brian Russell Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
VAKAR, Natalia Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
VAN DEN BOSCH, Shirley Ann Clarisse Failure to report CPD July 26, 2022
VAN HORNE, Phil Failure to report CPD July 26, 2022
VAN WYK, Norbert John Non-payment of penalty fee August 31, 2020
VAN ZALINGEN, Henry J Failure to report CPD July 24, 2020
VANDENBRAND, Rene Marinus Johannes Failure to report CPD July 26, 2022
VARGA, Geoffrey Eugene Non-payment of fees September 25, 2023
VARGA, Melinda Margit Non-payment of fees September 25, 2023
VARGA, Vernon Frank Non-payment of fees September 14, 2016
VATH, Eugene Non-payment of fees January 12, 2022
VEILLARD, Nolin Raymond Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
VERIGIN, Sheila Gail Non-payment of penalty fee October 14, 2021
VETHANAYAGAM, Joyce S Failure to report CPD June 19, 2024
VISSER, Karen Marie Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
VISWANATHAN, Bhuvana Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
VLASSOVA, Tatiana Non-payment of fees September 17, 2018
VOICE, Amber Katherine Non-payment of penalty fee August 22, 2018
WADDELL, Jonathon Stuart Failure to report CPD October 9, 2015
WAIT, Leonard Raymond Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
WALDEN, Chester George Failure to report CPD June 4, 2019
WALJI, Karim Failure to report CPD July 24, 2020
WALKER, David Charles Failure to report CPD June 14, 2018
WALKER, Donna Marie Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
WALKER, Linda M Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
WALKNER, Beverley Anne Non-payment of fees September 12, 2019
WALL, M Fern Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
WALL, Victor Non-payment of fees January 12, 2022
WALSH, Carole Failure to report CPD June 4, 2019
WALSH, Jillian Regina Non-payment of fees March 8, 2016
WAN, Victor Po-Tong Non-payment of penalty fee August 8, 2023
WANG, Han Failure to report CPD July 24, 2020
WANG, Hong Ge Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
WANG, Lydia L. Conduct and Discipline March 26, 2017
WARD, Simon Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
WARNER, Christine L. Failure to report CPD June 14, 2018
WARNER, Gregory Robert Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
WARRACK, Kelly Larry Combination March 23, 2022
WATERS, Cattleya Non-payment of fees October 12, 2022
WATKIN, Roger J Failure to report CPD June 14, 2018
WATSON, Beverly Dale Failure to report CPD February 15, 2019
WATSON, John K Failure to report CPD July 24, 2020
WATT, Marcy D Failure to report CPD July 26, 2022
WEAVER, John Richard Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
WEGER, Catherine Elizabeth Non-payment of penalty fee December 12, 2016
WERRE, H. Todd Non-payment of fees September 8, 2017
WESOLOWSKI, Cindy Lee Failure to report CPD June 4, 2019
WESTENBERGER, Roy Edward Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
WESTERGAARD, Sandra Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
WHITE, Kenneth J Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
WHITE, Perry Allen Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
WIBER, Mark Russell Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
WIEBE, Brian Roy Failure to report CPD October 23, 2017
WILCHYNSKI, Joseph Lawrence Non-Compliance February 20, 2019
WILCOX, Edward James Non-payment of penalty fee July 2, 2019
WILDE, Douglas Dale Conduct and Discipline July 30, 2019
WILDE, J Clifton Failure to report CPD June 19, 2024
WILKINGHOFF, Steve Non-payment of fees September 8, 2017
WILLIAMS, Mark D Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
WILLIAMSON, Cindy Carol Failure to report CPD June 14, 2018
WILSON, Henrietta B Failure to report CPD July 24, 2020
WILSON, Jared Byram Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
WILSON, Jordan Mark Non-payment of fees September 25, 2023
WILSON, Kimberly D Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
WILSON, Ralph Donald Non-Compliance November 21, 2018
WINDRIM, Linda Gaye Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
WITHROW, Stacy A Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
WITZKE, Edwin Ottomar Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
WOLITSKI, Shane Michael Failure to report CPD June 4, 2019
WONG, Brendan Failure to report CPD June 14, 2018
WONG, Kam H Failure to report CPD June 19, 2024
WONG, Tony S Y Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
WONG, Vienne Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
WOO, Wai Man Non-payment of fees September 17, 2018
WOODMAN, Peter W Failure to report CPD June 4, 2019
WORTH, Barry Ernest Failure to report CPD June 14, 2018
WRIXON, Shelley D Failure to report CPD July 24, 2020
Wu, Aria Joy Non-payment of fees January 12, 2022
WU, Xiaonan Non-payment of fees September 25, 2023
WUERTH, Stephen Reynold Non-Compliance April 27, 2022
WURZER, Keith Alexander Failure to report CPD July 24, 2020
WYMENGA, Debra Jean Non-payment of fees November 18, 2020
XIAO, Xiao Failure to report CPD July 24, 2020
XIE, Huanjin Non-payment of fees September 17, 2018
XU, Huiqian Failure to report CPD July 24, 2020
XU, Sijin Conduct and Discipline February 21, 2017
YABUT, Maria Isabel Non-payment of fees December 7, 2016
YADAV, Diane Gayle Non-payment of fees November 18, 2020
YEATS, G. Brent Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
YEH, Kwok-Tai Frank Non-payment of fees November 18, 2020
YEOMANS, Debbie M Combination March 7, 2016
YEWCHUK, Lourie Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
YIU, Casey Kwok-Chu Non-payment of penalty fee August 31, 2020
YOUNG, Chester Walter Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
YOUNG, James Edward Non-payment of fees November 18, 2020
YOUNG, John W Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
YOUNG, Larry Gene Non-payment of penalty fee August 28, 2017
YOUNG, Larry Glenn Failure to report CPD July 26, 2022
YOUNG, Robert William Failure to report CPD July 26, 2022
YOUNG, Scott A. Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
YOUNG, Tracy Ann Non-payment of fees September 12, 2019
YU, Helen X Failure to report CPD June 7, 2017
YU, Tianyong Failure to report CPD June 14, 2018
YU, Yang Failure to report CPD June 19, 2024
YUCHEM, William W Failure to report CPD June 14, 2018
YUE, Jie Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
YUEN, Stephen Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
ZAK, Henry Joseph Non-payment of fees September 12, 2019
ZARKA, Entela Failure to report CPD June 28, 2023
ZEMEADIM, Berhanu B Non-payment of fees September 12, 2019
ZHANG, Jingyi Failure to report CPD August 23, 2021
ZHANG, Qian Non-payment of fees February 23, 2022
ZHANG, Qian Non-payment of penalty fee August 8, 2023
ZHANG, Ran Non-payment of fees September 17, 2018
ZHANG, Yichi Non-payment of fees October 12, 2022
ZHAO, Mengfei Non-payment of fees November 18, 2020
ZIA, Zee Z Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
ZIMMEL, Raymond John Failure to report CPD June 4, 2016
ZURAWELL, William Joseph Failure to report CPD June 19, 2024
ZUROWSKI, Garry Theodore Non-Compliance July 26, 2017
Name Reason Date
ARMSTRONG, Elizabeth Joan Failure to report CPD April 10, 2024
BAUM, Werner Hans George Failure to report CPD April 10, 2024
BRIGHT, Michael Wells Failure to report CPD April 10, 2024
DUHAULT, Alicia L Non-payment of fees April 22, 2024
HASSEL, Dennis Reinhold Failure to report CPD April 10, 2024
HELMIG, Terri Marie Non-Compliance June 11, 2024
JONES, Lloyd Neville Failure to report CPD April 23, 2024
KOZAKOWSKI, Robert Daniel Failure to report CPD April 10, 2024
KWASNEY, Derek Nicholas Conduct and Discipline June 9, 2022
MACDONALD, David A. Failure to report CPD April 10, 2024
MARGOLIS, Martin Robert Non-payment of penalty fee April 23, 2024
MCLEAN, Douglas Brian Failure to report CPD April 23, 2024
MILLER, Leonard Edward Non-payment of penalty fee May 1, 2024
MOYO, Rangarirai Failure to report CPD April 10, 2024
O'BYRNE, Roy Gerald Conduct and Discipline April 29, 2024
OGAMBA, Chioma Frances Failure to report CPD April 10, 2024
RITCHIE, Alexander Failure to report CPD April 10, 2024
STITT, Gordon Hubert Failure to report CPD April 23, 2024
STROME, Sharon Martha Failure to report CPD April 10, 2024
TOWNSON, Victoria Lynne Failure to report CPD April 10, 2024

Name Reason Date
AMIT AGGARWAL, CPA Reciprocal Membership Agreement - PD March 11, 2024
Craig Grant ALPORT, CPA Reciprocal Membership Agreement - PD July 27, 2023
Asantewaa Venita Asima, CPA Reciprocal Membership Agreement - PD April 8, 2024
Rowan George Beesley, CPA Reciprocal Membership Agreement - PD May 15, 2024
Nancy Rumbidzai Tariro Changadeya, CPA Reciprocal Membership Agreement - PD January 11, 2024
Pui Kei Chau, CPA Reciprocal Membership Agreement - PD May 4, 2023
Lee Alexander Christie, CPA Reciprocal Membership Agreement - PD October 12, 2023
Yeuk Sun Chu, CPA Reciprocal Membership Agreement - PD July 13, 2023
Wing Chi Gigi Chung, CPA Reciprocal Membership Agreement - PD October 12, 2023
Rebecca Jill Kirkley Conner, CPA Reciprocal Membership Agreement - PD May 18, 2023
Waleed-Allah Ditta, CPA Reciprocal Membership Agreement - PD September 21, 2023
Linda Josefine Maria Edesten, CPA Reciprocal Membership Agreement - PD May 15, 2024
Raghdaa Hussein Ibrahim Farag, CPA Reciprocal Membership Agreement - PD October 12, 2023
Maria Vitoria Garcia da Costa, CPA Reciprocal Membership Agreement - PD February 12, 2024
Angela Jane Goertzen, CPA Reciprocal Membership Agreement - PD December 22, 2022
Gabriella Jean Greensill, CPA Reciprocal Membership Agreement - PD February 15, 2024
Tjawangwa Gumbo, CPA Reciprocal Membership Agreement - PD October 12, 2023
Dustin Wayne HOVDEBO, CPA, CA Registration Committee November 4, 2014
Kurtis Yun Kay Hui, CPA Reciprocal Membership Agreement - PD January 26, 2023
Sumit Katyal, CPA Reciprocal Membership Agreement - PD January 11, 2024
Hemant Kumar, CPA Reciprocal Membership Agreement - PD May 15, 2024
Lai Han Kwok, CPA Reciprocal Membership Agreement - PD September 28, 2023
Ho Yu Lam, CPA Reciprocal Membership Agreement - PD December 2, 2022
Kwan Yeung Lam, CPA Reciprocal Membership Agreement - PD September 28, 2023
Pui Ni Lam, CPA Reciprocal Membership Agreement - PD July 27, 2023
Tak Yee Lau, CPA Reciprocal Membership Agreement - PD March 3, 2023
Wai Nga LAW, CPA Reciprocal Membership Agreement - PD May 30, 2024
Wayne Thompson Liebenberg, CPA Reciprocal Membership Agreement - PD April 8, 2024
Weibo Liu, CPA Reciprocal Membership Agreement - PD December 20, 2023
Ricardo Lujan Garibay, CPA Reciprocal Membership Agreement - PD February 12, 2024
Shobhit Mahatma, CPA Reciprocal Membership Agreement - PD May 30, 2024
Blantina Matura, CPA Reciprocal Membership Agreement - PD October 14, 2022
Zanele Elsie Lisa Muronzie, CPA Reciprocal Membership Agreement - PD May 18, 2023
Abimbola Oluwaseun Olayinka, CPA Reciprocal Membership Agreement - PD July 14, 2022
Azza Osman, CPA Reciprocal Membership Agreement - PD July 28, 2022
Ohhwan Park, CPA Reciprocal Membership Agreement - PD November 6, 2023
Alexander Scott Ross, CPA Reciprocal Membership Agreement - PD February 15, 2024
Hendrik Jacobus Spoormaker, CPA Reciprocal Membership Agreement - PD January 19, 2024
Sin Fan TANG, CPA Reciprocal Membership Agreement - PD September 21, 2023
Kristin Dyanne Wilcox, CPA, CPA (TX, USA) Reciprocal Membership Agreement - PD June 15, 2023
Ching Wai Wong, CPA Reciprocal Membership Agreement - PD September 28, 2023
Po Chui Wong, CPA Reciprocal Membership Agreement - PD September 21, 2023
Ying Wai Wong, CPA Reciprocal Membership Agreement - PD March 11, 2024
Yuen Man Shermay Wong, CPA Reciprocal Membership Agreement - PD January 19, 2024
Rong Xue, CPA Reciprocal Membership Agreement - PD February 12, 2024
LING ZHANG, CPA Reciprocal Membership Agreement - PD May 11, 2023
Xu Zhu, CPA Reciprocal Membership Agreement - PD August 17, 2023


Name Date Reason
Kevin Douglas McCLELLAND, CPA, CA
January 16, 2015
Member restricted from providing Assurance services


Name Date Undertaking
Daniel Martin RINGROSE, CPA, CA
February 28, 2003 Member signed undertaking not to provide auditing services now or in the future.
John Dennis ROBINSON, CPA, CA December 13, 1991
Member signed undertaking not to serve in a trust capacity and not to handle trust funds.



Professional Accounting Firms (PAFs)


Name Reason Date
Alex Ritchie Non-payment of dues March 26, 2024
Anita Hewitt Professional Corporation Prof. Liability Insurance December 18, 2015
Arria Professional Corporation Non-payment of dues March 26, 2024
Bavani Bhaskar Professional Corporation Non-payment of dues September 2, 2016
Benjamin Heshka Professional Corporation Combination February 2, 2023
Blaine Reid Non-payment of dues March 14, 2017
Carl D. Schwartz Member Cancelled January 12, 2022
Carole Walsh Professional Corporation Non-payment of dues March 14, 2017
Collins Barrow Red Deer LLP Non-payment of dues March 19, 2020
Collins Barrow Red Deer LLP Non-payment of dues March 19, 2020
Connected Professional Corporation Non-payment PR costs September 20, 2022
Diane L. Budzilka Non-payment of dues April 2, 2019
DMT Professional Corporation Non-payment PR costs August 9, 2023
Equitus LLP Non-payment of dues May 9, 2022
F.A. Erlendson Professional Corporation Member Cancelled June 28, 2023
Geoff Heal Professional Corporation Non-payment of dues April 2, 2019
GK Mah Combination March 8, 2024
H. Arnold Sherman Professional Corporation Prof. Liability Insurance February 23, 2021
J.E. Thompson Non-payment of dues May 10, 2016
Jeffrey Glen Professional Corporation Prof. Liability Insurance March 19, 2024
Joshua L. Allen Professional Corporation Combination February 23, 2022
Kara Kempin Prof. Liability Insurance November 14, 2023
Kevin Ainsworth Professional Corporation Non-payment of dues May 10, 2016
KMC Tax Consulting Non-payment of dues March 14, 2017
Lehaci Professional Corporation Non-payment of dues April 2, 2018
Lisa A. Bohne Non-payment of dues March 14, 2017
Louise Diduch Non-payment of dues April 16, 2019
Matt Neustaeter Professional Corporation Prof. Liability Insurance June 22, 2020
Perry A. White Non-payment of dues March 14, 2017
PKF Antares Professional Corporation Failure to Renew May 10, 2023
Rexio Accounting and Tax Prof. Liability Insurance December 20, 2017
Richard Presland Professional Corporation Non-payment of dues September 16, 2019
RK Accounting and Advisory Professional Corporation Non-payment of dues May 9, 2022
Robert D. McIntyre Professional Corporation Non-payment of dues March 14, 2017
Sean Ablett Non-payment of dues May 18, 2021
Shauna Kaiser Prof. Liability Insurance January 16, 2023
Sonia D. Blake Professional Corporation Failure to Renew May 10, 2023
Stephanie Yang Professional Corporation Non-payment of dues May 10, 2016
Stephen R. Wuerth Professional Corporation Member Cancelled April 27, 2022
Steve Wilkinghoff Professional Corporation Non-payment of dues March 14, 2017
Susan Durk Non-payment of dues May 10, 2016
Sustrik & Company Non-payment of dues May 10, 2016
Swanson & Company Non-payment PR costs February 19, 2019
Tamara J. McNeil Combination May 27, 2021
Thorson & Associates Combination August 23, 2018
Turgeon Accounting Solutions Non-payment of dues March 14, 2017
Victor H. Wall Member Cancelled January 12, 2022
WD McAvoy Professional Corporation Member Cancelled November 6, 2023
Wendell Siddall Failure to Renew May 10, 2023


Name Reason
Margaret Lin, Chartered Professional Accountant Conditional Approval for Review Engagements


Name Reason
Accurate Figures Professional Corporation, Chartered Professional Accountant The registration of the professional accounting firm is restricted in that Michael Bejerman, CPA, CMA is permitted to provide accounting services and taxation services restricted to solely statutory filings (defined as client GST and payroll filings) on behalf of the firm.
Briner & Associates Professional Corporation, Chartered Professional Accountants Daniel M. Ringrose, CPA, CA cannot issue any audit engagements on behalf of the firm.
Cass & Fraser Chartered Professional Accountants
Richard James Taylor, CPA, CA cannot provide audit services to public companies on behalf of the firm.
Daniel A. Sims Professional Corporation, Chartered Professional Accountant
Firm restricted from performing audit engagements.
David B. Crawford Professional Corporation, Chartered Professional Accountant The registration of the professional accounting firm is restricted in that David Crawford, CPA, CMA is permitted to provide taxation services restricted to solely indirect taxation on behalf of the firm.
Douglas A. Kasper Professional Corporation, Chartered Professional Accountant Douglas Kasper, CPA, CMA cannot provide audit services to public companies on behalf of the firm.
Geoff Heal Professional Corporation, Chartered Professional Accountant
Firm restricted per sanction agreement.
Hester & Hester Professional Corporation, Chartered Professional Accountants
Samuel Hester, CPA, CMA may not issue, on behalf of the firm, an opinion or sign any related documentation associated with professional accounting practice or public accounting practice (as defined by the CPA Act) until he has met the requirements.
JR & Company LLP, Chartered Professional Accountants
Khalid A RAHAL, CPA, CGA may not issue, on behalf of the firm, an opinion or sign any related documentation associated with professional accounting practice or public accounting practice (as defined by the CPA Act) until he has met the requirements.
Kevin D. McClelland, Chartered Professional Accountant
Firm restricted from performing any assurance engagements (including audits and reviews).
Kroon's Consulting Chartered Professional Accountant
Firm restricted to providing only accounting services and taxation services to Not-for-Profit organizations.
MPS Partners, Chartered Professional Accountants
Rhaddie Martinez, CPA, CMA may not issue, on behalf of the firm, an opinion or sign any related documentation associated with professional accounting practice or public accounting practice (as defined by the CPA Act) until he has met the requirements.
Ncube & Landry LLP Chartered Professional Accountants
Philipe Landry, CPA, CA may not issue, on behalf of the firm, an opinion or sign any related documentation associated with professional accounting practice or public accounting practice (as defined by the CPA Act) until he has met the requirements.
Robert N. Copeland Professional Corporation, Chartered Professional Accountant
Firm restricted from performing any assurance engagements (including audits and reviews).
Robert S. Harrison Chartered Professional Accountant
Firm restricted from issuing, releasing or otherwise disclosing any review engagement work product until such work product has been reviewed and approved by a CPA Alberta-appointed supervisor, pursuant to the sanction agreement.



Professional Service Providers (PSPs)


Name Reason Date
A.C. Waring, CA Non-payment of dues May 27, 2019
Danny Woo, CPA, CMA Failure to Renew May 10, 2023
Norma Reimer Member Cancelled November 18, 2020
Russ Doherty, CA Non-payment of dues September 24, 2019



Professional Corporations (PC)


Name Reason Date
Abdur SHARJEEL Professional Corporation Non-payment of fees November 29, 2020
Alan J Bowers Professional Corporation Failure to submit CPD September 5, 2017
Bavani Bhaskar Professional Corporation Non-payment of fees April 14, 2016
Benjamin HESHKA Professional Corporation Member Cancelled Conduct & Discipline May 3, 2023
Birte A. RAMSAY Professional Corporation Non-payment of fees February 7, 2017
Brandon BAWOL Professional Corporation Non-payment of fees October 31, 2022
C. ALVAREZ Professional Corporation Non-payment of fees April 30, 2019
Caldwell Professional Corporation Non-payment of fees April 14, 2016
Calvin Chan SONG Professional Corporation Non-payment of fees December 31, 2019
Calvin F. STURGEON Professional Corporation Non-payment of fees December 29, 2020
Carole Walsh Professional Corporation Non-payment of fees November 30, 2017
Chartered Professional Accountant CONNECTED Professional Corporation Non-payment of fees October 31, 2022
Colin Presizniuk Professional Corporation Non-payment of fees April 14, 2016
Crystal J. DESILETS Professional Corporation Non-payment of fees January 12, 2022
D. WILDE Professional Corporation Member Cancelled Conduct & Discipline November 1, 2019
D.M. ANTONY Professional Corporation Non-payment of fees December 20, 2017
David M. STUART Professional Corporation Non-payment of fees September 16, 2019
Dean A. FOWLER Professional Corporation Non-payment of fees January 12, 2022
Dennis COPELAND Professional Corporation Non-payment of fees November 30, 2017
Dexter Archibald Professional Corp. Non-payment of fees February 7, 2017
DMT Professional Corporation Non-payment of fees September 25, 2023
Don Thorson Professional Corp Member Cancelled Conduct & Discipline November 21, 2018
Donald E. GASS FCA Professional Corporation Non-payment of fees February 7, 2017
Donald M. TANIGUCHI Professional Corporation Non-payment of fees September 25, 2023
Douglas G. Christman Professional Corporation Non-payment of fees April 14, 2016
Eric BUTZ Professional Corporation Member Cancelled Conduct & Discipline February 13, 2019
F Abbey Professional Corporation Non-payment of fees December 20, 2017
F. A. ERLENDSON Professional Corporation Member Cancelled July 18, 2023
Fred H. RAMSAY Professional Corporation Non-payment of fees February 7, 2017
G.W. Clemens Professional Corporation Non-payment of fees April 14, 2016
Gilbert H. DELANOY Professional Corporation Member Cancelled Conduct & Discipline December 11, 2018
HS Professional Corporation Failure to submit CPD September 13, 2018
John S. SHOEMAKER Professional Corporation Member Cancelled October 19, 2022
Joshua L. ALLEN Professional Corporation Non-payment of fees October 31, 2022
JP RUKEBESHA Professional Corporation Non-payment of fees April 30, 2019
Lehaci Professional Corporation Failure to submit CPD September 13, 2018
Leslie Morin Professional Corporation Failure to submit CPD September 13, 2018
Lionel D. BERGEVIN Professional Corporation Non-payment of fees February 7, 2017
Lisa A. Bohne Professional Corporation Non-payment of fees December 20, 2017
M. G. MacGREGOR Professional Corporation Non-payment of fees November 20, 2018
Maureen M Friedman Professional Corporation Non-payment of fees April 15, 2019
Michael A. Reid CMA, Professional Corporation Non-payment of fees November 1, 2019
N T Tebo CGA Professional Corporation Member Cancelled Conduct & Discipline February 26, 2017
Pavlo N. Suzdalov Professional Corporation Non-payment of fees April 14, 2016
Peter Faiazza Professional Corporation Failure to submit CPD April 30, 2019
R. J. Riche Professional Corporation Non-payment of fees December 29, 2020
R.K. KRUSHELNICKI Professional Corporation Non-payment of fees February 7, 2017
R.K.C. Professional Corporation Failure to maintain registration requirements March 31, 2021
Robert C. CHITTICK Professional Corporation Non-payment of fees September 25, 2023
Robert D. MCINTYRE Professional Corporation Non-payment of fees April 15, 2019
Robert M. MUZYCHKA, Professional Corporation Failure to submit CPD August 23, 2020
Ross FORBES Professional Corporation Non-payment of fees May 16, 2019
S. Ewan Professional Corporation Member Cancelled July 18, 2023
Sandra D. Cook Professional Corporation Non-payment of fees February 7, 2017
Sonia D. Blake Professional Corporation Non-payment of fees September 28, 2023
Stephen R. WUERTH Professional Corporation Failure to submit CPD April 27, 2022
Steve WILKINGHOFF Professional Corporation Non-payment of fees December 20, 2017
Steven J. McLAUGHLIN Professional Corporation Non-payment of fees October 7, 2019
Stuart COWEN Professional Corporation Member Cancelled Conduct & Discipline May 10, 2017
Suzanne Cunningham Professional Corporation Non-payment of fees April 14, 2016
V.F. VARGA Professional Corporation Non-payment of fees February 7, 2017
WD McAVOY Professional Corporation Non-payment of fees November 6, 2023





Name Reason Date
BARTLING, Suzanne Marie Non-payment of fees October 11, 2016
CHEN, Hui Lin Cathy Non-payment of fees March 2, 2016
CUSTODIO, Mitchell De Leon Time Limit UFE or FD March 17, 2017
DUTTA, Joyeeta Non-payment of fees March 8, 2016
GALLA, Zeeshan Ghulam Muhammad Failure Attempts September 9, 2016
KHAIRA, Mantej Singh Non-payment of fees March 8, 2016
KINSHELLA, Zach Conduct and Discipline January 7, 2019
KOSALENDRAN, Srinivasan Time Limit UFE or FD August 31, 2015
MEHTA, Kovid Time Limit UFE or FD August 31, 2015
MOHAMMED, Ifraaz Shoaib Conduct and Discipline May 12, 2017
MURATAJ, Mimoza Conduct and Discipline August 25, 2021
ONWU, Ugochukwu Francis Non-payment of fees March 8, 2016
ORJI, Anne Nkechi Non-payment of fees October 11, 2016
SAEKI, Tomomi Non-payment of fees September 8, 2017
SUN, Aijun Practical Experience November 8, 2018
XU, Jie Non-payment of fees March 8, 2016
YOKOTA, Kentaro Time Limit UFE or FD March 17, 2017



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