Compilation Engagements - Overview of the New Standard (CSRS 4200)

The new compilation engagement standard, Canadian Standard for Related Services (CSRS) 4200 – Compilation Engagements was issued in the CPA Canada Handbook – Assurance on February 3, 2020.

How it impacts you?

  • This standard updates compilation engagement requirements for the first time in over 30 years and involves significant changes from acceptance of the engagement through to reporting that will affect practitioners, clients and third-party users of compiled financial statements.
  • This standard will ensure there is more consistency amongst practitioners in the work done on compilation engagements, the understanding of the client and setting out the specifics for a compilation engagement.
  • This standard will help provide more clear and useful information for the users of compiled financial statements and help practitioners clearly delineate the work they have done on the financial statements from management’s responsibility for the financial information.

When is CSRS 4200 effective?

Effective Date: CSRS 4200, Compilation Engagements, is effective for compiled financial information for periods ending on or after December 14, 2021. Earlier application of CSRS 4200 is permitted.


What are the significant differences between CSRS 4200 and Section 9200?

CSRS 4200 changes the performance requirements for compilation engagements. The extent of the changes can be identified by looking at the significant differences between CSRS 4200 and Section 9200.
  1. Scope
  2. Engagement Acceptance or Continuance
  3. Description of the Basis of Accounting
  4. Performing the Engagement or “Work Effort” and Documentation
  5. Reporting

How do I learn more?

Attend an upcoming CPA Alberta virtual course:

  • Compilations - Application of the CSRS 4200 - Live Virtual
  • Compilations - Application of the CSRS 4200 - E-Learning

Download additional resources and materials:

I have more questions, who do I contact?

Advisory and consultation services are provided to designated accountants, candidates, and the public on a broad range of topics such as independence, conflict of interest, office management, Continuing Professional Development, accounting and assurance questions, and many others. This service is confidential, free of charge and is intended to provide only informal feedback.

If you have an advisory or consultation question, email or call 403.299.1309 , or toll-free at 1.800.232.9406.


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