Alex Tutschek, FCPA, FCA

The CPA Education Foundation is proud to announce Alex Tutschek FCPA, FCA as the recipient of the Foundation’s 2018 Impact Award. Each year, the Foundation has the honour of presenting the Impact Award to an individual for his or her contributions to the mission and vision of the CPA Education Foundation. It is fair to say that Alex has made some big waves when it comes to benefiting the Foundation.
Alex has been one of the Foundation’s most significant supporters over the last decade. Whether as a Board member, a donor, a volunteer, a mentor, or an advocate, Alex has exemplified what the Foundation stands for – commitment to education, to the profession, and to the community.
Alex breathed life into the Foundation’s No Limits initiative with one of the biggest individual donations in the Foundation’s history. His gift created three annual scholarships for Indigenous Albertans and seed-funded other No Limits projects. Just as importantly, his generosity inspired others to donate to the initiative. He lent his name, image and personal thoughts to a fundraising campaign that caught the attention of CPAs across the province, which led to many CPAs making their first-ever donations to the Foundation.
During his two years as Chair, Alex devoted hundreds of hours to the work of the Foundation. His term as Chair coincided with the unification of the accounting profession and the subsequent creation of the Foundation in its current form. This required bringing together the charitable and education-related work of three legacy bodies – a task that Alex approached with a strategic vision, strong leadership skills, and personal commitment.
His contributions to the Foundation also include something less tangible: his time. Alex contributed countless hours before, during and after his time on the Foundation Board, always making himself available to talk about the Foundation with students, donors, CPAs, post-secondary representatives, and other Foundation stakeholders. Alex’s gift of time has been perhaps as impactful as his financial gifts.
Alex has been a leading force in making the Foundation an intrinsic part of the CPA landscape across Alberta and we are proud to present him with the 2018 Impact Award.