Moral Leadership and Depolarization

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Ignite 2024
Event passed
June 20, 2024 | Online CPA Alberta Event

Moral Leadership and Depolarization

In this newly minted course, TEDx speaker Morgan Hamel asserts that the "old" way of managing business ethics, corporate reputation, whistleblowing and ESG (environmental, social, and governance) is flawed in that it fails to take into account a significant and growing issue for organizations: The Polarity Trap™ (examples of companies that have fallen into this include Disney and Bud Lite).

While “Moral Leadership” is often positioned as what leaders need to focus on, Morgan suggests that this isn’t the answer and that in fact, leaders who take a lofty and firm stand on moral topics in business inadvertently create additional risk. Diving into the grey of business and ethics, Morgan will teach you how to avoid the pitfalls and missteps that happen when business leaders take this approach and offer concrete strategies to help participants at all levels of organizations skillfully navigate this new era.

Learning objectives:

  • Understand that the new era of (business) ethics is both polarized and risky and that learning the skills to navigate this new environment are critical.
  • Appreciate that Moral Humility is an effective (albeit scary!) antidote to the way leaders have typically approached morality in business.
  • Learn about the importance of Viewpoint Diversity and how to help ourselves be more open to it.

Morgan Hamel, MBA

Morgan is the President of MH Partners Inc., a boutique consulting firm adept at helping leaders appreciate and communicate moral nuance to build stakeholder trust and long-term value. With experience in corporate ethics (11 years in the ethics office of a large organization), academia (Master’s Degree in Applied Ethics from Utrecht University in the Netherlands) and ethical entrepreneurship (founded an ESG-centric ethical fashion marketing company that generated $1M in responsible sales in its first corporate year), Morgan and her associates offer clients a business-focused, ethics-rooted perspective on reputation management that doesn’t exist elsewhere.

Workshop details:

  • Delivery: Live virtual
  • Date: Thursday, June 20
  • Time: 09:00 AM – 12:00 PM

To register, please click the registration link below:

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