Corporate and Personal Reputation in the Era of Shares and Likes

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Ignite 2024
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June 19, 2024 | Online CPA Alberta Event

Corporate and Personal Reputation in the Era of ‘Shares’ and ‘Likes’

All it takes is one look at our morning news feed to see how personal and corporate reputations can be lost in an instant. While it’s easy to judge people and organizations who experience this fate, the reality is that in this new era of iPhones and social media, well-meaning people (who see themselves as ethical) can fail quickly in ways that leave personal and professional scars for years to come.

This, paired with increasing moral polarization in our personal lives and the workplace and growing pressure to “say we care” or “take a stand” on sometimes controversial topics, means that managing personal and corporate reputation isn’t nearly as simple as it used to be.

Ethicsand specifically moral psychologyoffers unexpected and fascinating clues to navigate this world more effectively: from how understanding more about our brains can help us avoid inadvertent green-washing to how an appreciation of our desire to be “good” people and companies can help us steer clear of moral grandstanding.

Drawing on behavioral ethics research, real-life case studies and her own experience as the CEO of an ESG-centric fashion company, Morgan offers helpful strategies for participants to successfully navigate this new era.

Learning objectives:

  • Understand the new era of (business) ethics and how social media has increased both personal and corporate reputation risk.
  • Understand what behavioral ethics means for the practical implication of business ethics and reputation management.
  • Learn ”The Self-Interest Snap” - a strategy to help you get closer to being as ethical as you think you are (and make it more likely that others will see you that way).
  • Understand the risk of inadvertent moral grandstanding and learn healthier and more effective ways of building reputation.

Morgan Hamel, MBA

Morgan is the President of MH Partners Inc., a boutique consulting firm adept at helping leaders appreciate and communicate moral nuance to build stakeholder trust and long-term value. With experience in corporate ethics (11 years in the ethics office of a large organization), academia (Master’s Degree in Applied Ethics from Utrecht University in the Netherlands) and ethical entrepreneurship (founded an ESG-centric ethical fashion marketing company that generated $1M in responsible sales in its first corporate year), Morgan and her associates offer clients a business-focused, ethics-rooted perspective on reputation management that doesn’t exist elsewhere.

Workshop details:

  • Delivery: Live virtual
  • Date: Wednesday, June 19
  • Time: 09:00 AM – 12:00 PM

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