Trust-Based Leadership, Influence and Performance

Evolve 2024

Trust-Based Leadership, Influence and Performance

with Heath Slawner

Date: Tuesday, November 19
8:30 am – 9:30 am
Up to 1 hour

Our ability to influence effectively – to get people to listen, to trust, and act on what we say – is arguably the most important skill for reaching our potential. We influence others every day of our lives, whether it is intentional or not. Every meeting, every presentation, is another opportunity to move people in our direction and inspire action. Though we face these challenging situations every day, rarely do we have the opportunity to sharpen these skills and learn the difference between what works and what doesn’t.

Leading with Influence & Trust is an evidence-based approach for building powerful working relationships and gaining commitment to achieve the best outcomes for all stakeholders and maximum impact. Building on the idea that you cannot influence without trust, Heath also challenges us to think more strategically about the levers to increase trustworthiness, such as intimacy and selflessness, and to apply the scientifically-proven influence techniques that yield optimal results.

** Driven by the belief that people thrive on purpose, Heath joined Simon Sinek’s ‘Start With Why’ team in 2015, where he serves as an official igniter of the Start With Why movement. His ‘Why’ is to connect people and ideas so that we live with more meaning.

11/19/2024 8:00:00 AM
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