Calgary Chapter

The Calgary Chapter of CPAs holds monthly luncheon speaker events, an annual golf tournament, as well as a variety of other engaging networking and professional development events throughout the year.

Elected officials are:

  • Chair: Leonard D' Silva CPA, CMA 
  • Past Chair: Martin Gerlings CPA, CMA
  • Vice-Chair: Vacant
  • Treasurer: Jovita Gonzales CPA, CMA 
  • Treasurer Alternate: Caroline Ferreira, CPA
  • Secretary: Ram Chengkalath CPA, CA
  • Secretary Alternate: Jermyn Voon
  • Communication: Shan Tariq, CPA
  • Director at Large: Ashley Andrade, CPA

We encourage you to get involved! Contact the Chapter directly here.

Save the date for the below Calgary Chapter events!

For a full listing of upcoming events, please visit the Member Events Calendar:

Member Events Calendar

Professional Development (PD) Hours Notice

Credit for PD hours are not determined by CPA Alberta or the Chapter — you determine how much professional development you gain at each luncheon, based on your level of knowledge and the applicability to your current situation.

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